The Lord Is Good
Contributed by Derrick Thompson, Sr. on Nov 28, 2017 (message contributor)
Summary: The goodness of God
This Thursday, we will be celi-bra-ting Thanks-giving Day, and I trust this will not be just
one day of Thanks-giving, but every-day should be a day of thanks-giving. As we gather
together this Thursday, with our friends and loved ones, let’s take the time to truly thank
God for what he has done.....elaborate......
Our theme this year is Order My Steps In Thy Word, taken from Psalm 119 verse 133a...elaborate....
We are in the Thanks-giving Season, and next Sunday we will be in the Advent Season.
Please turn with me to in your bi-bles to Psalm 107 verses 1 through 8. Let’s all stand and read together.
My sub-ject for today is, The Lord Is Good. When God delivers you from some-thing, it
is only right and proper to say thank you.. When some-one has done some-thing for you, it
is only right and proper to say thank you. I need 10 volunteers at this time, and we are
going to do something a little different right now . ( We are nearing the Christmas season,
and I believe we all need some money. In my hand I have 10 pieces of card, and $1,000 is
written on each card, please note, there is no value to what is written on the card. and it
is not an I Owe You.......elaborate......ask someone to pass out cards to volunteers,
just take a card and go back to your seat, don’t say anything. Ask one of the
volunteers to come back and say thank you) If this was true, how do you think Bro/Sis
would feel when no one said thank you? In Luke 17 is the real account of 10 lepers who
were cleansed and only one came back and said thank you..........elaborate..............
In verse 1 of our text for today, the psalmist writes, O Give thanks unto the Lord. This
psalm is a song of thanks-giving, it is a general call to every-one to give God thanks.
God’s people the Israelites had reason to give God thanks, and we today have all the
reasons to give God thanks, because the Lord is good.
The Lord has been good to us, but so often we have for-gotten to say thank you. Who
woke you up this morning? It was the Lord, but did you say thank you? Who put food
on your table? It was the Lord, but did you say thank you? Who clothed you in your
right mind? It was the Lord, but did you say thank you? When you were
It is time for us to start thinking of the goodness of God. Just think of his goodness to
Not only should we give God thanks because he is good, but we should give God thanks
because his mercy endures forever. I enjoy talking about grace and mercy. That word
endures means, to remain set in pur-pose; hold out; to last for a long time. God’s
mercy endures for a long time, it lasts for-ever. We are here today because God’s mercy
endures for-ever...........elaborate.....
All types of people are out there giving thanks, but only those who are redeemed can
truly give thanks to God. Let’s look at verse 2 of our text (read) That word redeemed
means to recover from captivity; to free from the bondage of sin. The Children of
Israel were in bondage in Egypt, and God redeemed them, he set them free. In the
wilderness journey God redeemed his people, he set them free from the hand of the
enemy. When they were captive in Babylon, God rescued them, he redeemed them. We
who are saved today were in bondage, we were under the control of Satan, we could not
help our-selves, but one day Je-sus came our way and redeemed us, he set us free, and
because we are free we can give thanks to God. We can thank God today because we
have been set free and whoever the Son, God’s Son has set free is free
If you are still in bondage, and can-not thank God, today you can be set free from the
bondage of sin, and you too will be able to give thanks to God, because of his goodness,
and, because of his enduring mercy..........elaborate....
Let’s look at verses 3 through 5 of our text (read) Truly the Lord is good. God gathered
his people from the four corners of the earth, from the east, from the west, from the north
and from the south, and he brought them together. They wandered in the wilderness, they
were ready to perish for hunger, their soul even fainted in them, but God was still good to
In their hungering; in their thirsting; in their fainting, look what happens in verse 6 of our
text (read) I want some-body to know today, because God is good, because his mercy