
Summary: To show the LORD's Faithfulness and what He has done and continues to do for us.

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Is the LORD Faithful to you?




To show the LORD's Faithfulness and what He has done and continues to do for us.


2 Thessalonians 3:3 (Amplified Bible)

Yet the Lord is faithful, and He will strengthen [you] and set you on a firm foundation and guard you from the evil [one].


The LORD is Faithful, The LORD will strengthen you, and the LORD will protect you from evil.


The LORD is Faithful


A. Author: Apostle Paul

B. Date written: 50 to 54 A.D.

C. Purpose: To correct the coming of the LORD as not having taken place yet and is still a future event for all of us living in the last days.

D. To whom written: Thessalonica church, 2nd epistle

E. Main Theme: Second Coming of CHRIST

F. Keywords: Day of CHRIST

G. Key verse:

2 Thessalonians 3:5 (Amplified Bible)

May the Lord direct your hearts into [realizing and showing] the love of God and into the steadfastness and patience of Christ and in waiting for His return.


A. The LORD is Faithful

"Yet the Lord is faithful,"

Mark 16:7 (Amplified Bible)

But be going; tell the disciples and Peter, He goes before you into Galilee; you will see Him there, [just] as He told you.

Yes, the LORD JESUS CHRIST is Faithful even to death, and even after death and resurrection, very utterly Faithful.

Hebrews 2:17 (Amplified Bible)

So it is evident that it was essential that He be made like His brethren in every respect, in order that He might become a merciful (sympathetic) and faithful High Priest in the things related to God, to make atonement and propitiation for the people’s sins.

Hebrews 3:2 (Amplified Bible)

[See how] faithful He was to Him Who appointed Him [Apostle and High Priest], as Moses was also faithful in the whole house [of God].

Hebrews 3:6 (Amplified Bible)

But Christ (the Messiah) was faithful over His [own Father’s] house as a Son [and Master of it]. And it is we who are [now members] of this house, if we hold fast and firm to the end our joyful and exultant confidence and sense of triumph in our hope [in Christ].

A son is different from a slave. A slave might be a faithful and hard working slave but once he/she commits a mistake, out he/she goes. But the son might be the careless son but he obeys sometimes not, however, he is a son, therefore the father can't remove him from the family. Blood is thicker than water. This time multiply that to infinity when relating to GOD, the FATHER and GOD, the SON relationship.

B. The LORD will strengthen you

"and He will strengthen [you] and set you on a firm foundation"

GOD is Our Strength, always GOD's Providence and Divine Providence is in the Person: the LORD JESUS CHRIST.

Genesis 49:24 (Amplified Bible)

But his bow remained strong and steady and rested in the Strength that does not fail him, for the arms of his hands were made strong and active by the hands of the Mighty God of Jacob, by the name of the Shepherd, the Rock of Israel,

Exodus 15:2 (Amplified Bible)

The Lord is my Strength and my Song, and He has become my Salvation; this is my God, and I will praise Him, my father’s God, and I will exalt Him.

Ephesians 6:10 (Amplified Bible)

In conclusion, be strong in the Lord [be empowered through your union with Him]; draw your strength from Him [that strength which His boundless might provides].

1 Timothy 1:12 (Amplified Bible)

I give thanks to Him Who has granted me [the needed] strength and made me able [for this], Christ Jesus our Lord, because He has judged and counted me faithful and trustworthy, appointing me to [this stewardship of] the ministry.

If you can handle this by your faith, we don't really need vitamins and health supplements for GOD is Our Vitamins and Divine Health, all in the Person of our LORD JESUS CHRIST and He is within us, so we got His Wisdom, Power and Resources.

C. The LORD will protect you from evil one

"and guard you from the evil [one]"

Matthew 12:29 (Amplified Bible)

Or how can a person go into a strong man’s house and carry off his goods (the entire equipment of his house) without first binding the strong man? Then indeed he may plunder his house.

Only the Stronger Man: CHRIST JESUS can repressed and subdue the strong man:devil, for He's a defeated foe of the LORD JESUS CHRIST and satan is under our feet.

Romans 16:20 (Amplified Bible)

And the God of peace will soon crush satan under your feet. The grace of our Lord Jesus Christ (the Messiah) be with you.

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