The Little Engine That Did
Contributed by Kenneth Burisek on Nov 28, 2017 (message contributor)
Summary: This is a fun-filled yet hard hitting sermon with a great evangelistic message. For folks of all ages. I preached it "country" style but you are welcome to "city-fy" it if you like---Enjoy !!!
A sermon by Pastor Ken Burisek
The Ole’ Country Church
Medford, Wi
To get in the right frame of mind we opened by singing some Country Gospel Train Songs---Glory Train---Life’s Railway to Heaven--Long Black Train---etc.
Sermon---The Little Engine that DID !!!
Scripture---Phillipians 4:13
Opening humor---
An old man who’d lived all his life back up in the hills came to visit a friend who had moved ta the city .
Now this ole’ mountain man had never laid eyes on a train or even seen a railroad track before.
Standin’ in the middle of the tracks one day, he heard a distant whistle... WOOOO--ooo---OOOOO! but didn’t have a clue as to what it mean’t or even that he was in any danger.
All of a sudden---wham....the old boy is hit !!!
Luckily it’s just a side swipe, and he’s thrown clear, head over heels off the tracks, and get’s off with only minor injuries, a few broken bones, and some bruises.
After weeks in the hospital recoverin’, he visits a friend’s house fer dinner one evenin’.
Standin’ in the kitchen, he hears the risin’ whistle of the family tea kettle wooOOO....
He quickly jumps into action---grabs a rollin’ pin and mercilessly bashes, pounds, and smashes the tea kettle into a useless, blob of twisted copper.
His friend hears the comotion and rushes into the kitchen, sees what’s happened and asks his friend, "Why in tarnation did ya smash mah tea kettle like that ?"
The mountain man replies: "Believe me from experience---you gotta kill these kritters whils’t thar still small."
The Little Engine that DID !!!
How many here today remember that little kids story about (based in part on) "The Little Engine that Could" (by Watty Piper) ???
Today we’re gonna learn some Bible truths from that little story.
The story is told about a tiny little ole’ steam engine that’s pullin’ this long train of cars.
How many of us here taday are pullin’ a long train of cars along the road of life ???
Every one of us are like that little ole’ engine---back when we was born we were just like a brand new steam train engine---all shiney n’ new---with no cars attached---but wasn’t very long after we was hatched---we started addin’ cars to our train.
When ya think about it---a newborn baby is about the most self-centered kritter on this earth---Amen !!!
What’s the first car we’re gonna add to our train---anyone who is a parent ought-a know that ???
It’s gotta be the coal car---the car that feeds the engine right---when baby is hungry or needs a changin’---he’s gonna cry til he gets what he wants---that cute little darlin’ don’t give a hoot if it’s 2:30 in the mornin’---he wants it NOW !!! Amen !!!
When ya think about it---thars a whole heap of grown-up folks that are still haulin’ around that first train car---Amen !!!
As we go along the tracks of life---we ad car after car after car to our train all filled with the baggage of life .
Object lesson---(Draw a train with cars on a white board---have people name some of those cars---using a volunteer to draw will make it even more fun)
The cars are filled with things like bad habits---maybe some sins in our life that we just can’t seem to let go---trials and tribulations of life---tragedies---misfortune---sickness---financial struggles---broken realationships---and the list goes on and on and the train grows longer and longer as well as heavier and heavier.
Psalms 38:4 says---For mine iniquities are gone over mine head: as an heavy burden they are too heavy for me.
As the story goes on---the little train seems to be doing pretty well on his own---chugging along---pullin’ that long train of cars---when all of a sudden the tracks start headin’ up this steep mountain.
The little engine pulled and pulled but couldn’t even budge the train cars.
How many here today were ever tryin’t ta climb a mountain in thar lives and they just couldn’t move ???
Sometimes it just seems thar just ain’t no way out-a the predicament we’re in !!!
Not only are we facin’ those mountains---but we’re pullin’ that whole long train right along with us as we try to overcome it !!!
The Bible tells us it takes faith to overcome those mountains !!! Amen !!!
Mark 11:23 says---For verily I say unto you, That whosoever shall say unto this mountain, Be thou removed, and be thou cast into the sea; and shall not doubt in his heart, but shall believe that those things which he saith shall come to pass; he shall have whatsoever he saith.