
Summary: Prayer is one thing Satan will fight you on, for the rest of your life.

Prayer is one thing Satan will fight you on, for the rest of your life. He doesn’t like it when we pray, he will do everything he tactically can to stop folks from praying. He knows very well that there is no greater power in the entire universe that is greater than the power of God, and that power of God is released through prayer. When you don’t pray, Satan becomes powerful, but when you pray he become very weak.

Acts 2:42 says concerning the early church, “they devoted themselves to the apostles' teaching and to fellowship, to the breaking of bread and to prayer.” Jesus himself was a man of prayer, he devoted most of his mornings and evenings to prayer, at times he would wake up earlier than everyone else, and would go to a mountain to pray. The secret behind the success of the ministry of the Apostles was in this life of prayer. Acts 6:4 says; “We will give ourselves continually to prayer, and to the ministry of the word.”

Daily fellowship with the Spirit of God through Prayer is a key to walking in the supernatural, it is the price one must pay to see the manifestations and the power of the Holy Spirit. Power with God is depended on prayer, not once or twice, but daily, this must become an inseparable part of your daily walk. Time with God is more important than your job, business, husband, wife, children, he is first and everything else second. The kind of prayer that works is that which is continued, even when it seems like its results are not coming forth, you keep at it, it may take days, weeks months or even years, but never give up. All of God’s blessings are connected to prayer. When God says I will do it, he waits for you to pray for it to be done, prayer fulfills the promises of God, so God’s promises cannot be done unless there is prayer. For the birth of the Messiah to happen somebody had to intercede even though God promised it, Jesus would not have been born if Simeon was not interceding (Luke 2:22-24).

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