
Summary: The Life and Times of Isaiah.

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1. Nelson Study Bible, “The prophet Isaiah was a man with a mission. The Lord had shown him a glimpse of His glorious throne and placed a call on his life.”

2. Isaiah means “Yahweh Saves” and that was Isaiah’s mission in life – to proclaim that God saves! We are also people with a mission – our message is Jesus Saves!

3. The Life and Times of Isaiah.

Isaiah 1:1 (NKJV)

1 The vision of Isaiah the son of Amoz, which he saw concerning Judah and Jerusalem in the days of Uzziah, Jotham, Ahaz, and Hezekiah, kings of Judah.

I. First, the books Authority.

The vision of Isaiah…which he saw – it means “to see, to behold as the result of reflection or insight.” Often the idea of seeing and hearing are used interchangeable (Num.24:4/Isa.13:1). Isaiah’s vision is the book of Isaiah.

The point being, is that this book is of divine origin (2 Tim.3:16/2 Pet.1:20). This book has been vigorously attacked by the critics but here it stands!

Time magazine, “The breadth, sophistication and diversity of all biblical investigation are impressive, but it begs a question, ‘Has it made the Bible more or less credible?’ We may well conclude its credibility had been enhanced. After more than two centuries of facing the heaviest guns that could be brought to bear and the Bible has survived. In fact the Scriptures seem more acceptable now then when the rationalists began the attack.”


II. Next, Isaiah’s Family.

A. His Father – Amoz, not to be confused with the prophet Amos, is traditionally thought to be of the royal family.

Edward Young, “Our rabbis identified Amoz as the brother of Amaziah, the father of Uzziah. Such an identification would make Isaiah of royal lineage and a cousin of Uzziah, and it is true that Isaiah did have access to the kings.”

B. His Wife – was a prophetess. (8:3)

C. His Children – Sheer-Jashub meaning “a remnant will return” and Maher-Shalal-hash-Baz means “hasten to the spoil.” (7:3; 8:1-4, 18)

III. Finally, his Ministry.

It was to Judah, other nations are mentioned but only as they relate to Judah.

A. First, Judah is the name of several people in the Bible, the most notable is Jacob’s son.

Gen. 29:35

B. Next, it is the name of one of the Twelve Tribes of Israel. Judah’s descendants make up the tribe of Judah.

C. It speaks of a territory that the tribe of Judah inherited in the Promised Land.

D. It is used of a nation after the kingdom split into two kingdoms.

1. United Kingdom – under Saul, David, and Solomon.

2. Split Kingdom in 930 BC

Solomon’s son Rehoboam refused to lighten the tax load on Israel, so in response the ten northern tribes pulled away and appointed Jeroboam as their king and separated from the house of David, Judah. The tribe of Benjamin remained loyal to David and many of the Levites because Jeroboam established his own priesthood.

a. The Northern Kingdom – called Israel lasted 210 years and had only wicked kings. Isaiah prophesied during the Northern kingdom until it was defeated in 722 BC

b. The Southern kingdom, Judah.

The southern kingdom:

1. It began in 931 B.C. and lasted 326 years.

2. The first ruler was Rehoboam.

3. The last ruler was Zedekiah.

4. The total number of rulers was twenty: nineteen kings and one queen. Eight of the twenty were righteous.

5. It consisted of two tribes (Judah and Benjamin).

6. Its capital remained Jerusalem.

7. It was captured by the Babylonians in 606 B.C.

8. There were three separate returns from captivity.

Wilmington's Guide to the Bible.

Southern rulers:

1. Rehoboam (1 Ki. 11:42-14:31; 2 Chron. 9:31-12:16).

1. He was the son of Solomon.

2. His stupidity caused the civil war of Israel.

3. He had eighteen wives and sixty concubines. They gave him twenty-eight sons and sixty daughters.

4. His favorite wife was Maachah, the evil daughter of Absalom.

5. He was invaded by Shishak of Egypt.

6. He ruled seventeen years (931-914 B.C.).

2. Abijam (1 Ki. 14:31-15:8; 2 Chron. 13:1-22).

1. He defeated (by supernatural intervention) the northern king, Jeroboam, on the battlefield.

2. In spite of God’s help at this time, he later degenerated into a wicked king.

3. He ruled three years (914-911 B.C.).

3. Asa (1 Ki. 15:8-14; 2 Chron. 14:1-16:14).

1. He was Judah’s first righteous king.

2. He led Judah in a revival and was a great builder.

3. God answered his prayer and delivered him from a massive Ethiopian attack.

4. He even deposed his own grandmother Maachah because of her idolatry.

5. He later was rebuked by a prophet for his sin and responded by throwing him in prison.

6. He died with a foot disease which problem he refused to take to God.

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