The Lazarus Testimony
Contributed by Vonnie Elisha James on Nov 28, 2017 (message contributor)
Summary: A sermon to encourage Christians to live a life align to Christ.
The Purpose of the Gospel of John is to prove conclusively that Jesus is the Son of God and that all who believe in Him will have eternal life.
The author: John the apostle,son of Zebedee,brother of James,called a "son of thunder".
Deep Thought:Have you pledge allegiance to the "Lamb" (Jesus)?
Lazarus:The Greek name is Lazaros (Eleazaros)-God has helped.
Key Points
The Lazarus Testimony Symbolizes:
1-Power over Death, Sin and the Grave-1 Corinthians 15:55
a-We must not have a fear of death,because through Lazarus, Christ show that the resurrection indeed is real.
b-Our life should include taking risk for Christ and the gospel,even against powerful oppositions-2 Corinthians 4:7-9
The Apostle Paul called Epaphroditus a risk taker,Philippians 2:30
c-Death is not an end,but a transition-2 Corinthians 5:8
Thought:Jesus was able to removed the thing that bounded Lazarus life,He removed the stone...What is there in your life that you need Christ to do? He can do it.
2-Power over Tradition
a-Tradition makes the word of God void,of no effect-Mark 7:13,Matthew 15:6. The Jews believed that if a man dies,he was able to be raised up to three days.But after three days,this was impossible.
Today many believe that God can forgive you of certain things, but the other things are just too wicked for Him to "really" forgive. Yet the Psalmist said as far as the east is from the west, so the Lord has removed our transgressions-Psalm 103:12
Therefore in spite of where you came from or what you did before and now,God is able.
3-Deliverance for the Unbelievers
a-The Jews didn’t accept Christ as the Messiah.Consequently,many influential people; both Spiritual leaders and political leaders lived in unbelief.In essence, Jesus was a fake to some and a liar to others. But the Lazarus testimony prove that Jesus is indeed who He say He is and many believe on account of this -John 12:11
Analogy:Just like Lazarus, when we walk like salt and light of the earth,persons must be able to say, "He has been with Jesus,Christ indeed has raised him".I want this Jesus.
Thought:Our testimony or the way we live our lives could caused many to look at Christ and Christendom as a fake.But if we are risen with Christ and seek those things that above,then people will believe in this Jesus.
KEY Notes
-Lazarus was a friend of Jesus-John 15:14
-Lazarus was love by Jesus-John 11:3,5
-Lazarus was an over-comer
-Lazarus testimony means spiritual warfare is imminent...because of the opposition on one’s life. John 12:10
a-He obeyed Christ-John 15:14 ("Not everyone who says to me, ’Lord, Lord,’ will enter the kingdom of heaven, but only he who does the will of my Father who is in heaven." Matthew 7:21
B-He had a relationship with His Father,He knew God-John 17:3
4-The gospel is an overcomer.
They overcame him by the blood of the Lamb and by the word of their testimony; they did not love their lives so much as to shrink from death.Revelation 12:11
In spite of the risk involved in being with Jesus,Lazarus sat at the table with Him six days before the passover.John 12:1,2
He was not afraid to die because he experienced what the power of the gospel is like.
Today you can ask Christ into your life.You can become an overcomer.