The Last Days Series
Contributed by Pastor Randall Timblin on Mar 22, 2020 (message contributor)
Summary: Are we in or Fastly Approaching the Last Days (the EndTimes). Now is the time to be Watching and to be READY.
Should the current threat of a virus pandemic threaten our inner being. After all, they are closing just about every store, every sporting event and perhaps eventually the stock market. This must be serious stuff. Are we all going to perish? Is this just like the movies were millions die due to some mutant bacteria or virus, dropped onto the planet to make ready for aliens from another universe?
Seriously, maybe you’ve been watching too much TV.
Yes, this could be a pandemic! But, the world has had numerous viruses which have gone crazy. Didn’t we have a flu pandemic not too long ago? Wasn’t it the swine flu? And worse than that was the black plague a few centuries ago which killed millions. Somehow the world made it through those although many suffered for sure.
Why do these things happen? Why is it that viruses just spawn up and surprise this unprepared world with their seemingly indestructible presence? Many believe it is an attempt to take the planet from extraterrestrial beings?
Why is it that we can fend off bacteria but no viruses? The main reason is that bacteria live in the body whereas a virus embeds itself in one’s DNA and hence is part of the body. This makes them hard to destroy because they are not separate from the body…they are the body…now!
It is up to the human body to treat itself when it comes to viruses unless an anti-viral drug is created to pinpoint the virus and destroy it. This takes time and so many of its hosts can get really sick and perhaps die. It is all up to the immune system.
However, the best defense is to kill it before it enters the human body. We can do this by over-cleaning—over-disinfecting and by isolation,
What does this have to do with Christianity, God’s Word and we as Christians? Great question. Let us first turn to Matthew Chapter 24.
Matthew 24:7-8
Of these three things mentioned by Jesus, how many have occurred? Have you noticed earthquakes in unusual places? I remember being taught that you don’t have earthquakes in sedimentary rock, yet recently we have had earthquakes in Texas and in other places which are comprised of sedimentary rock ( sand ).
In the 50’s through the 90’s, we didn’t experience Tsunamis as we do now. We had other things to be afraid of—nuclear war was one. I remember hiding under my school’s desk while drilling for an eminent attack by our foe Russia. Of course, it never happened. Earlier in that passage, Jesus talked about rumors of wars, but that is a different sermon.
The store counters have been depleted. People are staying home. Businesses are closing. Soon, we could have a serious food and gasoline shortage. Could this be insight into a world-wide famine as well as a plague (pandemic)?
Why did Jesus tell us this? Was it to scare us? Hardly. It was to prepare us. But, for what…Prepare us for what?
He said that they would be “birth pains”…His words, not mine.
Why did He use “birth pains”? It is a great analogy or an even better figure of speech. Every birth is a major event and leading up to that are birth pains. They warn the woman that she needs to get to a hospital for the baby she is carrying is about to make him or herself a citizen of this world. He is telling her, “I’m about to come out Mother…so get ready!”
This is the same case with all of these signs, for that is what they are. Jesus said later that we would not know the hour or the second when He will return but that we were to be ready. He talked about some ladies who forgot to get oil for their lamps and had to go back to the store and while doing so, missed the great event.
What event was He or are we talking about? We are talking about His return. It’s been 2000 years and I personally think it is past due for Him to return and save us. That’s just how I feel. I can’t wait for Him to return.
So, I have three points to discuss with you this fine day: #1: WHAT IS FEAR, #2: WHY DO WE FEAR and #3: HOW DO WE DEFEAT FEAR.
Noun: fear, dread, fright, alarm, panic, terror, trepidation mean painful agitation in the presence or anticipation of danger. Fear is the most general term and implies anxiety and usually loss of courage. www.Merriam Webster-webster.com
Well there is what the dictionary has to say about it. It is mostly based on the anticipation of danger. A person perceives there is danger about to befall them. The danger may or may not be real. Remember a whole generation of children who had to hide underneath their chairs once or twice per month. The trauma it caused may not have reared its ugly face until much later in our lives…but none the less, we kids were all influenced by it.