
Summary: The spiritual significance of the ninth month (September)or figure nine (9) in the affairs of men.

ANCHOR SCRIPTURE: ISAIAH 66:7-9: “Before she travailed, she brought forth; before her pain came, she was delivered of a man child. Who hath heard such a thing? Who hath seen such things?” (that means, the things God is about to do, or make happen in your life would be an amazement to everyone that hears it) “Shall the earth be made to bring forth in one day? For as soon as Zion travailed, she brought forth her children…” (Yes, you are to play your part in that spiritual equation by travailing in prayers to prevail in September) “Shall I bring to the birth, and not cause to bring forth? saith the Lord: shall I cause to bring forth, and shut the womb? saith thy God.”

The ninth month is a very significant month because of inherent powers in Figure 9. The ninth month is a turn-around month, if handled properly and spiritually. Dr. Daniel Olukoya is one of the most gentle and humble, and most dangerous spiritually, that I have ever met. God bless his effectual and revelational ministry. It was him that God used to trigger the abundance of spiritual revelations concerning 9-9-9, with prayers birthed and spiritual exercises to wrap up that day.

One of the properties and characteristics of the ninth month is the fact that it is the gestation period for human pregnancy. Human pregnancy from conception to full term is nine months. The forces of wickedness tap into this truth to control, steal, kill and destroy many human destinies. We have a spiritual obligation to make September produce a bundle of joyful testimonies for our own destinies.

The month of September in another sense is what I called, a “LABOUR-ROOM MONTH”, because, after full term gestation period, some things either positive or negative, must be given birth to. More about the characters and spiritual properties of figure 9 can be read from Dr. Olukoya’s message on that subject.

If you have ever been to the maternity, the most common language of the labour room is “PUSH!” I welcome you to the LABOUR ROOM of September. Lift up your right hand and with a voice of a conqueror; pull the spiritual trigger by saying this prayer: BLOOD OF JESUS! FIGHT FOR ME IN THE LABOUR ROOM OF SEPTEMBER! In the name of Jesus.

In spiritual labour room too, the battle cry of warriors too is PUSH, meaning: Pray Until Something Happen (P.U.S.H).

September is not just a neutral month, September is a personality with a womb. The bible tells us in Psalm 110:3 that the morning is a personality with a womb, not just a neutral entity. Now sow a positive seed into the womb of September by prophetically declaring: Thou womb of September, produce a bundle of joyful testimonies for my life! In the name of Jesus.

Many months were named after idols. For example, January was named after the Greek goddess of the sun, Janus. If you are careless to enter January which was consecrated by those who worshipped the sun, the elements could be used by these wicked forces to control your life throughout that year. They could command the sun to smite you by day and the moon by night. No month is a neutral entity. You must programme better and glorious things into them, if you must live a fulfilled life. Don’t be a careless Christian!

Three major possibilities occur in the physical labour room of a maternity.

1. The pregnant woman goes in, and come out with an additional bundle of joy called child or children, if the babies are twins, triplets, etc. That is a positive multiplication;

2. The pregnant woman goes in, and come out alone, with a sad subtraction – no child due to still-birth or other tragic complications during childbirth.

3. The third possibility is the tragic maternal mortality of when a pregnant woman goes in but neither child nor mother came out alive. This is the reason why many tremble with trepidation as the Expected Delivery Date (EDD) approaches.

Now travail with this battle cry again: BLOOD OF JESUS! FIGHT FOR ME IN THE LABOUR ROOM OF SEPTEMBER! In the name of Jesus.

Just like the physical labour room of any maternity, the following nine things, among many others, are the characteristics:

* The labour room of September is a place of expectations (both positive and negative, the choice is yours to make)

* The labour room of September is a place of conflict and warfare.

* The labour room of September is a place of life and death. (the choice is yours to make).

* The labour room of September is a place of joy and sadness (the choice is yours to make).

* The labour room of September is a place of fear and faith (the choice is yours to make).

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Vera Temple

commented on Sep 8, 2017

Good job am really bless, and my soul been lifted, oh what an insight, a message with lots of Rhema, Pastor may God bless and increase you, more grace, kudos to you.

Vera Temple

commented on Sep 8, 2017

Good job am really bless, and my soul been lifted, oh what an insight, a message with lots of Rhema, Pastor may God bless and increase you, more grace, kudos to you.

Ayomide Olabode Ajayi

commented on Sep 3, 2019

What A Wonderful And Insightful Exposition And Revelation. Am Richly Blessed Both In The Word And Prayer Points Raised. Very Timely For Me. God Bless You

Wisdom Brilliant

commented on Sep 3, 2023

One more possibilities that can happen in the physical labour room: The mother goes into the labour room but doesn't come out alive, but only the child/children stay(s) alive and survive. What does it mean in the spiritual sense?

Kojah Moses

commented on Aug 16, 2024

It's also geos with the second point, a minus, the first one is a plus, the second a minus( lost of either of the two) which is a partial lost, then the third is a total lost,

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