
Summary: You must believe God always stands ready in every deliver us and to deliver his promises that he's made to us, if we are willing to rely and rest on His abilities and Promises!

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The Labor Of Rest...

Illus. Hymn Haven of Rest

My soul, in sad exile, was out on life’s sea,

So burdened with sin and distressed;

Then I heard a sweet voice saying, “Make Me your choice,” And I entered the Haven of Rest.

I’ve anchored my soul in the Haven of Rest.

I’ll sail the wide seas no more.

The tempest may sweep o’er the wild, stormy deep; In Jesus, I’m safe evermore. Evermore.

Illus. by Johnny Wilson

The late Manley Beasley defined faith as a "reason at rest with God." To me, that's powerful, but it hits me even harder when I remember that he went on to say, "Faith is dependency upon God, and this God-dependency only begins when self-dependency ends

Have you ever been sick or felt like you needed something and went to the doctor for a diagnosis, only to find out all you needed was rest.

Here you were sure something was seriously wrong and you were in the danger zone, only to be somewhat disappointed when you found out what you were lacking was rest.

Spiritually speaking there are far to many self diagnosing Christians doing the same thing day in and day out. Constantly telling God what they are in need of, and yet not totally willing to rely and completely rest in His ability to meet that need!

Some would say, who me? I’m not that way!

Have you ever been impatient with God?

Have you ever said or thought these things?

I've prayed and prayed and prayed…

I have asked and asked and asked…

I don't know why in the world this is taking so long....

The word says to ask, so I've asked...

and Lord I know you can do it so why isn't it happening?

God's will and prescription is for you is to rest in His ability and not your ability!

Sometimes doing that resting thing is hard… Sometimes we like to blame

other people and things or circumstances, for really what is our inaction to do what we’re told.

All of our lives we have been taught… Ready, set, go. From learning to play sports, to our studies, to our pursuit of our careers, to our everything we do in life.

Figure out what you need to do, make a plan and work the plan! Go, Go, Go!

But with God...God instructs us to REST in His care and capabilities!

In other words… a need arises, pray about it

and let God know what the need is and then you REST

in His ability to answer and help you out of your situation!

Let’s call it the three R’s




Here are some great words of encouragement from the book of John

John 3:34-35 MSG

“The One that God sent speaks God’s words. And don’t think he rations out the Spirit in bits and pieces. The Father loves the Son extravagantly. He turned everything over to him so he could give it away—a lavish distribution of gifts. That is why whoever accepts and trusts the Son gets in on everything, life complete and forever!”

God in all His wisdom turned all things over to Jesus. Why?

So God could shower the world with His Grace through His Son....and give it away; Not sparingly, not begrudgingly, but lavishly distributing all (say all) the gifts...He longs to share with His children!

And how do we know this?

Because while, He was here on earth we know because it's recorded and written in the word...He gave and did so many things TBS if they were to be written down, not enough paper and pen would be available to write them down!

It didn’t matter what your social status was, rich or poor He gave to and healed everyone...

He cause Peter to catch more fish than his boat could carry

He healed the lepers....

He healed the blind and the lame...

He turned water into better than vintage wine....

He even did long distance healing....

He raised men from their grave

If you came He gave...

He gave and gave and kept on giving

to everyone...He gave all the way to the cross!

As I said, It didn't even matter what your social status was...

There were never any waiting lines..only receiving and healing lines

Very few people who came for healing or help were mentioned for their great faith, the Bible only records a few, but yet all who came the Bible says were healed and helped!

The mindset was all you had to do was get to Jesus, they were ready for...ready, set, go... Jesus wanted them to know even though He was the Son Of God, it was still all about what His Father was capable of doing through Him! Jesus was always about bringing and giving God all the glory ! And He was going to teach them about...ready, set, REST in the Fathers capabilities!

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