
Summary: Esther is an illustration of God's care and direction for our lives. In order to effectively serve God, we must have faith that God is in control, working through both good and bad times, despite the fact that we may question certain aspects of our lives.

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Have you been chosen? Esther is an illustration of God's care and direction for our lives. In order to effectively serve God, we must have faith that God is in control, working through both good and bad times, despite the fact that we may question certain aspects of our lives.

Persian rulers gathered immense measures of gems, goods, wealth, and numerous young ladies. These women were taken from their homes and made to live in a structure close to the palace, called a haram. Their sole intention was to serve the ruler and to anticipate a call to enter his bed chamber. They rarely visited the king, so their lives were confined. In Chapter 1, King Ahasuerus, had a party to show off his queen, Vashti. She refused so the king banished her and stripped her of royalty.

In Chapter 2, verses 1-4:

After banishing Vashti, the king sent officers out to gather fair young women of all the lands to choose a new queen. Not only did Persian kings collect a lot of jewelry, but they also collected a lot of women. These young virgins were taken from their homes and forced to live in a special structure called a harem near the palace. They were there to serve the king and wait for his call. Their lives were restricted and monotonous, and they rarely saw the king. If she were dismissed, Esther would have been one of the numerous young ladies the king had seen just a single time and rejected. But the king liked Esther's presence and beauty so much that he made her his queen instead of Vashti. The queen had more freedom and authority than other members of the harem, and her position was more powerful than that of a concubine. Yet, even as a queen, Esther did not have many privileges, particularly since she had been picked to supplant a lady who had become excessively strong-willed. (Esther 1:9, Esther 1:1-3)

In verses 5-7:

Mordecai was a Jew that worked in the palace of Shushan. The Israelites had been exiled from Jerusalem one hundred years earlier, and as such, their numbers had grown. They were given freedom in the Medio-Persian empire, so they could own businesses and hold government positions. Mordecai had raised Esther, his uncle's daughter, so in a sense he was a stepfather.

Daniel 6:3, Then this Daniel was preferred above the presidents and princes, because an excellent spirit was in him; and the king thought to set him over the whole realm.

In verses 8-11:

Esther had been chosen to be placed in the king's harem for purification and beautification; to be trained in how to be a queen. Mordecai had instructed her to keep quiet about her heritage during her training. There are times when it is better to keep silent and let God work through our lives to work His will. For Esther, this was the case.

Jonah 1:8, Then said they unto him, Tell us, we pray thee, for whose cause this evil is upon us; What is thine occupation? And whence comest thou? What is thy country? And of what people art thou?

In verses 12-17:

The women were given whatever they wanted to wear before the king. Esther followed Hegai's guidance and chose nothing extra. We cannot see the end of the road, but God does.

When we let God drive, He will not hit the potholes in the road of life like we do.

The king loved Esther above all others. According to Esther 3:5, God put Esther on the throne before the Jews were in danger of being completely destroyed so that when trouble struck, someone would be able to assist. God's plan to send the Messiah to Earth as a Jew was foiled by no human effort. Know that God is in charge even if you cannot see God's plan for your situation when you change jobs, positions, or location. It is possible that he will put you in a position to assist other people when they need it.

In verses 18-23:

Mordecai learned of a threat against the king of two men, as Mordechai was in a position at the king's gate. Mordecai told Esther, who in turn told the king. After the investigation was made, the two men were hanged. Good employees must not conceal any bad situations they know of with their employers.

Although Mordecai was not rewarded at the time, the deed was recorded. This typifies servants of Christ. Although recompense may not be shown at the time, an account of our actions, work of faith and love is recorded. We must remember that reward may not come now, but it will be remembered in the hereafter.

Revelations 20:12, And I saw the dead, small and great, stand before God; and the books were opened: and another book was opened, which is the book of life: and the dead were judged out of the things which were written in the books, according to their works.

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