
Summary: Scripture is clear of what we should be judging and what we are not to be judging.

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The judging of others

Matthew 7:1-7:5


This morning I have to tell you that this is a bit strange for me.

To be in a chair to preach is a first.

The fact that I have not ripped through this surgery as my other ones has been a challenge and an adjustment.

I just assumed that I would do it quicker and better because of who I am.

We have a tendency to judge others without knowing all the facts involved.

They can’t kick a habit, they are weak!

Don’t heal as quickly as they should, it is because they didn’t do what they were suppose to, or they just didn’t have the drive that is needed.

We judge others based upon what life journey we have or have not been through instead of what journey others are in or have been through-.There is a difference!

Ever been selected for jury duty?

The process alone leaves you wondering if justice will be served.

The jury is presented the facts and kept away from any outside sources that would taint the way they would vote, with the hope that truth would prevail and justice served.

Jesus in the text this morning uses the term “judge not.”

It is obvious that we have to judge some things or we would not be able to stand up for anything because we would be so wishy-washy we could not make simple decisions.

So this morning, we have to find out what things we are to judge and what things that we are not to be judges.

Jesus gives us these words direct from His own mouth in what is called the sermon on the Mount.

Text- Matthew 7:1-7:5

I think this is the most abused scripture passage by Christians and non-Christians alike. Christians want to make everything black and white, and use this out of context.

Non-Christians it is their favorite verse to quote at believer’s everytime Christians get into their airspace and apply pressure to anything that goes on in their life.

The great word of today is tolerance.

That word applied today by society’s standards means that no matter what someone believes and what someone does we are to be tolerant of their decision and not judge them.

The Bible does not teach tolerance in the way society defines it.

The Bible does not teach us to accept everything that comes down the pike, and to put our approval on it. (Salvation of Jesus Christ on the cross is narrow thinking, and we do not have to apologize for God’s Word.)

Hebrews 13:9-A

“Do not be carried away by all kinds of strange teachings.”

Matt. 7:15-

“Beware of false prophets, which come to you in sheep’s clothing, but inwardly they are raging wolfs.”

Ephesians 4:14-

“Then we will no longer be infants, tossed back and forth by the waves, and blown here and there by every wind of teaching and by the cunning and craftiness of people in their deceitful scheming.”

We are to judge doctrine- to make sure that we are staying pure in God’s Word.

We are to judge teachers, preachers, so that God’s word is not watered down or polluted by individual thought and a mixture of several doctrines to create our own religion.

We are to judge and line up our decisions to God’s Word.

God’s word is the final authority.

God’s Word is the majority in ever decision even if no one else would agree with Him.

Here’s where it can get interesting!

We are not to be tolerant when it comes to our beliefs and everything should line up and match up with God’s word and what He commands us to do.

We can do it with the love of Christ being our motive.

Our motive as believers is to restore our relationship with God and help others begin or restore their relationship with God.

Most unbelievers when confronted with God’s word for change in their lives will cause them to be defensive. They will attack the fact that we (believers) are not perfect and pointing out their faults while living okay with our faults.

They judge their conduct against our unrighteousness. It is hard to show them that it is not us against them. It is living up to God’s word.

They would rather show you your faults than admit that they have sin in their lives or admit that they need to make changes.

“Don’t judge me”, “you don’t know me”, right! In their mind, you have not earn that right to judge them because they feel you do not know them well enough.


Policemen pulls you over for speeding, he comes to the window and asks for license and registration. You begin by telling him don’t judge me, you don’t know me, you don’t know my heart. The cop will look at you and say I’m sorry, I am not judging your motives, I am judging your conduct.

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