The Joy Of Giving Series
Contributed by Jeffery Anselmi on Nov 28, 2017 (message contributor)
Summary: Giving is a joy if you love Jesus!
„X Comedian Flip Wilson told a story about a preacher and his church. A preacher was trying to get his people to be more enthusiastic about their church. The preacher said in his sermon: "If this church is going to get anywhere, it has to learn to crawl." The people said, "Let it crawl, Rev., let it crawl!" Then he said, "And after it learns to crawl, it has to learn to walk." And the people said, "Let it walk, Rev., let it walk!" The preacher got excited and said, "After this church learns to walk, it has to learn to run!" The people shouted back, "Let it run, Rev., let it run!" Then he said, "And if this church is going to run, it’s going to take money!" And the people said, "Let it crawl, Rev., let it crawl."
„X As we continue with our series, ¡§When God Builds a Church¡¨, we are going to look at one of those subjects that make some people uncomfortable. It is one of those subjects that admittedly I myself have even shied away from because of the perception that people have concerning the church and this subject.
„X Today we are going to deal with the subject of giving. By the way, if you are visiting, this is the second time I have covered this subject this year (and fourth time on four years), so I do not preach on this every week. ƒº
„X I believe people get uncomfortable with the subject of giving because of the fear of being convicted about the need to do better. This subject hits ALL of us where we live.
„X Our church has a total budget of a bit over $100,000 per year. We have about 68 homes represented each week at church. This means the average gift at ACC is $1470 per year or $28.00 per week. If everyone was tithing (10%) that means on average the income for the members of the church is about $14,700 per year.
„X I do not know what the average salary in this church is and that is not my business. If the average income in the church was a modest $25,000 per year, with 68 families, the tithe off that would allow the budget for the church to be $170,000. That is enough to do a lot of ministry. We could hire a full-time associate minister, give more to missions and pay for a new family life center. If the average was $30,000, the budget would be $204,000 per year. Studies show the average Christian gives about 3% of their income. Only about 9% of evangelical Christians tithe. (Barna Research Group) A 2003 Barna study says the average gift is closer to 2.2%
„X Giving is something that if we do not practice, we miss out on a great blessing.
„X I want us to focus on the joy of giving. Being able to give is something that should bring joy. I remember when I went from, ¡§DO we HAVE to give this much?¡¨ to enjoying returning a portion back to Jesus.
„X Today we will look at five things that will help us to give with a joyful heart. Turn with me to 2 Corinthians 8:1-15 for our text today.
„X In this chapter Paul is trying to encourage the Corinthian church to follow through with their promise to help the church in Jerusalem. TO do this, he speaks of the giving of the churches of Macedonia. They were in a bad way financially, but they still gave to the relief efforts in Jerusalem.
„X READ 2 Corinthians 8:1-15
„X ¡§Grace¡¨ is one of the eight words used by Paul in various places to describe the offering the churches were taking up for the Jerusalem church. Grace is unmerited favor, or getting something you did not earn.
„X In Acts 2:42-ff you will see that part of what the early church did, was to give to help others.
„X God gives us grace; we share that with other people.
„X When you look at the situation of the churches in Macedonia, it would not appear that God had blessed them because of the poverty and afflictions they were suffering. Throughout all the problems in that region, the churches felt God¡¦s grace shinning upon them.
„X Every Christian should consider it a favor from God to have the opportunity to give.
„X In verse 7 we see that God had blessed the people so they abounded in everything.
„X God has given this church what it needs to do what we need to do. We have the human and financial resources to do all God¡¦s us to do at this time, we just need to realize it.