
Summary: A sermon exploring Nebuchadnezzar's fall from kingship into insanity because of his pride and arrogance.

The Insanity of Sin

Book of Daniel Series

Text: Daniel 4 CSB



As some of you know, I grew up with a very broken home life.

My parents split up when I was 5, and they both had various romantic attachments throughout my youth. From 5 years old until I left home, I was kicked back and forth among my family members, with the longest time being a three year stretch with my father and his new wife. When I was 16, I ended up at my mothers house due to some drama, but it didn’t last long.

Right before I turned 17, I got into a huge fight with my mom and her boyfriend, packed up my stuff into an old sea bag of my fathers, and left home.

I remember walking down the street at the time, “No more stupid rules! I’m free”

I felt elated and finally able to live my life on my own terms, with my own job, and I’ll find my own place.

I ended up rooming with a friend who had just turned 18 and got his own place- a tiny studio apartment where I slept on the floor.

I still attended high school for another quarter and then dropped out.

I ended up being in a downward slide to rock bottom in my life, which would occur a year later when I was arrested at a party. My dad came to bail me out and brought me to live with him again.

When I sobered up, my dad came to my bedroom and sat down and had a long talk with me. He asked me a question- “Is this all you want? No high school diploma, partying all of the time? Scrapping by on minimum wage.

Dumb and drunk is no way to go through life son. Figure this out, because I’m not bailing you out again”

It was a gut check for me- I had let my sin and rebellion push every good thing away from me, and run away from any authority in my life, and was now dealing with the consequences.

Even though I didn’t know it at the time, I was starting to realize the insanity of sin.

I’ve stood at the brink of destruction. Had I chosen wrongly, I know I’d be dead by now and most likely in hell.

In the decades since then, I’ve come to learn this truth- Sin is fundamentally irrational.

Sin blinds the heart- it’s like the shot you get at the dentist office to numb your mouth. Sin deadens the pain of a violated conscience so it can continue its destruction.

Sin and rebellion distort reality. In order to keep experiencing its continued promise of pleasure, you have to lie to yourself about what is actually truth.

If left unchecked, sin will always lead a person into self-destruction.

That’s the cliff I was standing on at 18 years old.

That’s why Scripture repeatedly warns that rebellion against God results in disaster, yet countless individuals chose to continue down that path of sin, believing themselves to be immune to its consequences.

All of that to introduce the scripture we will be studying this morning.

The story of King Nebuchadnezzar in Daniel 4 is a powerful illustration of the insanity that sin causes. This scripture will show us how sin leads to a spiritually insanity that produces a pride that leads to spiritual destruction.

However, it also shows that repentance brings restoration.

In this passage, Nebuchadnezzar, the most powerful ruler of his time, is humbled by God in a dramatic fashion.

His experience serves as a warning to all who walk in pride and a reminder that only in submission to the Lord can we find true wisdom and peace.

Daniel Chapter 4 is unique in two ways. First, it’s written in Aramaic as are chapters 2-7, and Second, Nebuchadnezzar is it’s author.

It’s the only chapter in the bible that was written by a pagan as a memoir of him becoming a believer.

This entire chapter is what we believers call a testimony.

Just like I started the message giving you some of my testimony of God’s work in my life, Nebuchadnezzar proclaims the grace of God in his life and him coming to belief.

Because of chapter 4’s length, we will tackle it section by section.

Versus 1-4 is a preface of King Nebuchadnezzar’s testimony, and it begins by praising God before he goes into how God had to humble him.

Dan 4:1-3 (CSB) King Nebuchadnezzar, To those of every people, nation, and language, who live on the whole earth: May your prosperity increase. (2) I am pleased to tell you about the miracles and wonders the Most High God has done for me. (3) How great are his miracles, and how mighty his wonders! His kingdom is an eternal kingdom, and his dominion is from generation to generation.

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