
Summary: After the cleansing of the Temple, Jesus teaches the Disciples about Forgiveness

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The Importance of Forgiveness

Mark 11:25-33, Matthew 18:23-34

Good morning.

Doctor Karen Swartz of Johns Hopkins Hospital, said about unforgiveness, “There is a physical burden to being hurt and disappointed,

Chronic anger puts you into a fight-or-flight mode, which results in numerous changes in heart rate, blood pressure and immune response.

Those changes, then, increase the risk of depression, heart disease and diabetes, among other conditions.

Forgiveness calms stress levels, leading to improved health.”

She also said, “Forgiveness is not just about saying the words. It is an active process where you make a conscious decision to let go of negative feelings whether the person deserves it or not.”

As you release the anger and resentment, you begin to feel empathy and compassion for the person who wronged you.

Studies have found some people are naturally more forgiving; consequently, they tend to be more satisfied with their lives and to have less depression, anxiety, stress, anger and hostility.

People who hang on to grudges, however, are more likely to experience severe depression and post-traumatic stress disorder, as well as other health conditions.

Please open your Bibles to the Gospel of Mark 11 as we continue in a verse-by-verse study of that Gospel.

Last week in Mark, Jesus cleansed the Temple, and we also learned more lessons about the Fig Tree.

The Temple went from being a place to meet with God, to a mockery, where the Jewish leaders were out for personal gain.

After Jesus witnessed the abuse of His people in the Temple, He flipped over the tables and drove out the money changers.

Jesus had the heart of a shepherd and when He recognized His sheep being abused, He acted with righteous anger because of the religious leaders hindering people from coming to God.

Then we spoke about the roots of the Fig Tree.

The withered Fig Tree was a picture of Israel having no fruit.

Israel’s roots had withered away, because they disconnected themselves from the True and Living God.

As Christ followers, we need roots that go deep into the heart of God Himself.

Then we learned about the kind of faith that works as we learned that faith is not a force; faith is trusting the Word of God.

Jesus taught that mountain-like issues, which hinder God's kingdom, can be moved by trusting the Lord.

Today, we will learn about forgiveness and Jesus’ authority, as the King of the kingdom.

I. Forgiveness affects prayer.

Read Mark 11:25-26

This is a sobering passage, because at face value, it seems to communicate, if I am unwilling to forgive someone else, then the Lord will withhold His forgiveness from me.

Therefore, many have concluded that this passage about forgiving others makes salvation conditional.

We have to have proper context here; this is in no way teaching that we will lose our salvation if we don’t forgive someone.

Titus 3:5 not by works of righteousness which we have done, but according to His mercy He saved us, through the washing of regeneration and renewing of the Holy Spirit, NKJV

Mark 11 is not teaching that our eternal destiny is contingent on forgiving others, but it teaches that our relationship and prayer life with God can be hindered if we refuse to forgive others.

Scripture is very clear teaching the Lord forgives our sins and makes us Children of God by grace alone, through faith alone, based on Christ’s work on the cross alone, and not by works.

If we are in Christ, He has forgiven us and since He has forgiven us, we are in no place to withhold forgiveness from others.

Ephesians 4:32 be kind to one another, tenderhearted, forgiving one another, even as God in Christ forgave you. NKJV

Keeping forgiveness from others will cause a person to miss the joy of grace, as they refuse to extend grace to others, because unforgiveness causes bitterness and it will bind a person up.

Last week, we learned how Jesus said the miracle of the withered Fig Tree happened because of faith.

Just as a lack of faith is an obstacle to effective prayer; refusing to forgive or holding on to bitterness, can also hinder our prayer.

Forgiveness is an area where we need great faith. Sometimes a hard and unforgiving heart, is bigger than any mountain.

Notice Jesus said, “Whenever you stand praying, if you have anything against anyone…

When we go to pray, we should make things right with people we have conflict with first, and then continue on in prayer.

Romans 12:18 If it is possible, as much as depends on you, live peaceably with all men. NKJV

Notice, “If you do not forgive, neither will your Father in heaven forgive your trespasses.”

Jesus speaking of the woman who brought an alabaster jar of fragrant oil and washed Jesus; feet, said in…

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