The Implications Of The Resurrection Of Jesus Christ
Contributed by Jimmy Chapman on Nov 28, 2017 (message contributor)
Summary: Christianity begins where other religions end - with the resurrection of Jesus Christ from the tomb. Other religions point may point to a founder as Christianity, but they must also point to a founder’s grave. ONLY Christianity is able to point to an em
Matthew 28:1-10
W. E. Sangster was stricken with a progressive illness that was taking his voice and would eventually rob him from preaching in his pulpit. One day he said to his friend, “It is going to be a terrible thing to be unable to stand in a pulpit on Easter Sunday and say, ‘Christ is risen.’ But I can think of something much worse. That is to stand in a pulpit on Easter Sunday and say, ‘Christ is not risen.’”
Thank God, I can stand before you today and declare loudly CHRIST IS RISEN. It is the empty tomb that is full of hope!
A family was watching a movie of the life of Jesus on television. Their six-year-old daughter was deeply moved as the film realistically portrayed Jesus’ crucifixion and death. Tears ran down the little girl’s face as they took Him from the cross and laid Him in a borrowed tomb. She watched as a guard was set. Suddenly, a big smile broke on her face. She bounced up on the arm of the chair and said with great anticipation, "Now comes the good part." Yes, indeed, this is the good part. The resurrection of our Lord changes everything!
Christianity begins where other religions end - with the resurrection of Jesus Christ from the tomb. Other religions point may point to a founder as Christianity, but they must also point to a founder’s grave. ONLY Christianity is able to point to an empty tomb.
Some tombs are famous because of whom they contain; the tomb of Jesus is famous because of whom it does not contain.
I. The resurrection of Jesus Christ settles absolutely the identity of the Son of God
Romans 1:4 “declared to be the Son of God with power, according to the spirit of holiness, by the resurrection from the dead.”
Jesus was marked off to be the Son of God by His resurrection from the dead.
Others may have performed miracles, but the resurrection identified Jesus as the Son of God.
If you will not be convinced by His resurrection from the death you will not be convinced by nothing.
He was crucified because He said He was the Son of God; His resurrection proved He was the Son of God.
During the time of the French Revolution, a man complained to the Foreign Minister under Napoleon, that a new religion of his, one he considered a great improvement over Christianity, had failed to catch on with the people. He asked the Prime Minister for some suggestions. The Prime Minister said, “To insure the success for your new religion. All you need to do is have yourself crucified and the rise from the death on the third day.”
The fact that Jesus Christ arose settles absolutely the identity of Jesus Christ.
Knowing who Jesus is determines who should be obeyed, worshiped, and followed.
II. The resurrection of Jesus Christ sets authoritatively the itinerary of the church
An itinerary is the proposed outline or plan that you are to follow. An itinerary gives order with special emphasis.
Only need one person setting your itinerary. If you have two you will have problems and confusion.
The resurrected Lord is the one who should set the itinerary of the church.
After His resurrection and before His ascension He gave His orders (itinerary) to the church.
See Mark 16:15,19,20.
We are to preach the gospel (death, burial, and resurrection) to all the world.
A. His Power Commands Us
B. His Plan Controls Us
C. His Presence Cheers Us
Do you recognize that The Great Commission is a joint effort? God is not just asking us to do this for Him. He is asking us to do this with Him.
Since Christ goes with us, we can and must go forth in the confidence of that abiding presence.
Years ago there was a Mercedes Benz television commercial that showed their car colliding with a cement wall during a safety test. Someone then asked the company spokesman why they didn’t enforce their patent on the Mercedes Benz energy-absorbing car body, a design that was evidently copied by other companies, because of its successful safety record. The spokesman for Mercedes Benz gave a classic response. He said, "Because some things in life are too important not to share." How true that is.
The gospel is too important not to share.
III. The resurrection of Jesus Christ substantiates abundantly the inability of the grave to retain its prisoners
A. The witness of scripture
The inspired, inerrant, infallible Word of God says He died and He arose!
B. The witness of the seal