
Summary: A marriage built on deception, lies, and secrets is not sanctified by a church ceremony.

A marriage built on deception, lies, and secrets is not sanctified by a church ceremony. It's a facade that hides evil soul ties and satanic bonds. True union requires honesty, transparency, and mutual respect, not mere religious rituals.

Many believe that a church wedding automatically makes a marriage sanctified, covenant, and binding. However, this assumption is far from the truth. When dangerous secrets, deception, and lies are present, the marriage is not blessed but cursed.

Such unions are built on shaky ground, where one or both partners hide behind masks of deceit. This creates an environment conducive to evil soul ties and satanic bonds, which can lead to emotional, spiritual, and even physical harm.

A true and godly marriage requires more than just a religious ceremony. It demands mutual respect, trust, honesty, and transparency. Without these essential elements, the marriage is nothing more than an illusion, a mere facade that crumbles under the weight of secrets and lies.

It's essential to recognize that a church wedding is only a symbol of commitment, not a guarantee of a healthy and godly marriage. True union requires effort, communication, and a willingness to grow together in faith and love.

Marriages built on fraud and lies are such unions are not only unhealthy but also spiritually dangerous.

A marriage built on fraud and lies is like a house constructed on shifting sands. It may appear sturdy, but its foundation is weak and destined to crumble. When we prioritize deception over honesty, we invite satanic forces to infiltrate our relationships.

Consequences of Fraudulent Marriages:

1. Eroding Trust: Lies and fraud erode trust, the very foundation of marriage. When trust is broken, it's challenging to repair.

2. Emotional Suffering: Fraudulent marriages lead to emotional turmoil, causing pain and suffering for all involved.

3. Spiritual Consequences: Participating in or perpetuating fraud and lies can separate us from God's love and grace.

4. Destruction of Relationships: Ultimately, fraudulent marriages will crumble, causing harm to all parties involved.

The Remedy:

1. Repentance: Recognize the harm caused and seek forgiveness from God and those affected.

2. Honesty and Transparency: Cultivate open communication, honesty, and transparency in your relationships.

3. Seek Help: Reach out to spiritual leaders, counselors, or mentors for guidance and support.

4. Rebuilding: Focus on rebuilding your relationship on the solid foundation of Christ, with honesty, love, and respect.

Marriages built on fraud and lies are indeed satanic and will crumble. But with repentance, honesty, and a commitment to Christ, we can rebuild and redeem our relationships. Let us strive to create a culture of truth, love, and integrity in our marriages and all aspects of life.

Let us not be fooled by the external trappings of a church wedding. Instead, let us focus on building marriages that honor God and prioritize honesty, trust, and mutual respect. Only then can we truly say that our marriages are sanctified, covenant, and binding.

Scriptures: Matthew 7:24-27, 1 Corinthians 3:11-15

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