The Holy Spirit And The Dove
Contributed by Ed Vasicek on Nov 28, 2017 (message contributor)
Summary: The dove often symbolizes the Holy Spirit, and in studying the Biblical background about the dove, we can see why this symbol was chosen and we can be reminded of the Holy Spirit’s qualities.
The Holy Spirit and the Dove
1. In our baptismal service, we followed the command of Jesus and baptized our candidates, "in the Name of the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit."
2. Trinity: one God, three persons or three personalities…
3. Tonight I would like to focus upon the Holy Spirit represented as a dove…but first, some review…
4. Holy= set apart, pure; Spirit= spirit, wind, or breath…
5. The Holy Spirit is God; He is He, not it (define personality); Three types of persons in the Universe…
6. In OT and NT, Jesus Christ, who is the incarnation of the 2nd Person, is represented as the Lamb of God? Why?
7. Not all Scripture illustrations of a Lamb refer to Jesus: Nathan the prophet & David….
8. The Holy Spirit is often represented as a Dove. Not always. Sometimes a dove represents the people of Israel, etc.. But it is interesting to try to look at the Holy Spirit represented as a Dove based on OT teaching and the understanding of the Jewish people at the time of Christ….
MAIN IDEA: But the dove often symbolizes the Holy Spirit, and in studying the Biblical background about the dove, we can see why this symbol was chosen and we can be reminded of the Holy Spirit’s qualities.
TS---- Let’s look at a few instances…
I. The Holy Spirit Empowers (Matt. 3:16-17)
1. All Three persons involved…voice….
2. Holy Spirit descends like a Dove…
3. Between OT and NT, no prophets in Israel; Rabbis claim God sometimes spoke through an "echo voice," like the cooing of a dove…Here the Father spoke clearly and the Dove appeared visibly…
4. Why did Jesus NEED the Holy Spirit? (Kenosis)
II. The Holy Spirit Brings Dove-Like Qualities to the Believer (Matt. 10:16-17)
1. Part of the fruit of the Spirit is gentleness
2. A dove is the gentlest of birds….Demonstration by Hannah….
3. As the Holy Spirit controls us, we grow in gentleness, patience, joy….
III. The Holy Spirit Creates (Genesis 1:2)
1. The Holy Spirit "hovered" over the earth….all Three Persons involved in creation…
------Rabbis said the HS hovered over the earth like a DOVE
2. So the Holy Spirit creates spiritual life when a sinner repents and believes…REGENERATION (new birth)—"We were dead in our…"
---Actually, He creates the life first so that we can repent and believe….
---The Scripture says, "If any man is in Christ, He is a New Creation…"
IV. The Holy Spirit Provides A New Beginning
1. Genesis 8:6-12
2. New life in Christ; New heaven, new earth….
3. The Holy Spirit is unusually active during the initiation of a New Era…
(1) The Creation
(2) The Flood (My spirit will not always strive---the dove)
(3) The Exodus/Giving of the Law
(4) Pentecost, the Birthday of the Church
(5) Tribulation/Millennium
VI. The Holy Spirit Purifies/Makes Holy
1. Lev. 12:8—Sacrificial animal
2. When Mary and Joseph brought Jesus to the Temple, dove offered…
3. This symbolizes His SANCTIFYING WORK….