
Summary: Jesus chose his followers through the QUALITY OF THEIR HEARTS

Jesus chose his followers through the QUALITY OF THEIR HEARTS

[How did Jesus look for His followers?]

I. Jesus looked for a person with an OPEN HEART(vs.1-4)

A. A person who was around Him

…people crowding around Him (v.1a)

B. A person who listened to Him

…listening to the word of God (v.1b)

C. A person who was instructed by Him

…taught the people (v.2c)

II. Jesus looked for a person with a TEACHABLE HEART (vs.4-5)

A. A person who obeyed Him despite of personal reasons

…Put out into the deep water and let down the nets

for a catch. Master, we’ve work hard all night and

haven’t caught anything. (vs. 4-5a)

1. for a reason of knowledge about fishing

a. The time of fishing

b. The place of fishing

2. for a reason of experiences in fishing

…we work hard all night and we caught nothing.

B. A person who obeyed Him even if it doesn’t make sense

…but because you say so Lord…(v.5b)

III. Jesus looked for a person with a HUMBLE HEART (v.5,8a)

A. A person who submitted himself to follow Him faithfully

…because you say (v.5c)

B. A person who committed himself to obey Him wholeheartedly

…I will let down the nets (5d)

C. A person who emptied himself to serve Him absolutely

…Peter fell at Jesus knees (8a)

IV. Jesus looked for a person with a CARING HEART (vs.6-10)

A. A person who cared for the welfare of others.

…They signaled their partners in the other boat to come (v.7)

B. A person who cared for the well-being of others

…from now on you will catch men.So they pulled their boats up (response)(v.10)

V. Jesus looked for a person with a TRUSTING HEART (v.11)

A. A person who followed the Lord without condition

…and [immediately] left (v11a)

Ref. -Isaiah (here I am Lord, send me)

-I will follow you Lord but let me first…Lk. 9:59-62

B. A person who followed the Lord without reservation

…they left everything and followed Him (v.11b)

e.g. Ananias and Sapphira in Acts

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