
The Heartfelt Pastor: God's Chosen Leader

Created by SermonCentral on Sep 9, 2023
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A pastor chosen by God is one who embodies God's own heart.


Today, we will explore the topic of a pastor according to God's heart. What does it mean to be a pastor who aligns with God's desires? Let us delve into the Scriptures and discover the characteristics of such a pastor.

Definition of a Pastor

A pastor, according to the dictionary, is a Christian minister or priest who leads a congregation. However, according to the Word of God, a pastor is a shepherd, an under shepherd who guides and cares for God's people, the church. They oversee, protect, teach, train, counsel, preach, and pray for the church. Most importantly, they feed the church with spiritual nourishment from the Word of God.

Characteristics of a Pastor According to God's Heart

1. Called by God: A pastor according to God's heart is someone who has been called by God. They have received a holy calling, not based on their own works, but according to God's purpose and grace (2 Timothy 1:8-9).

2. Chosen by God: God chooses pastors to bear fruit and remain in Him. It is not the pastors who choose themselves, but rather God who selects them for His work (John 15:16).

3. Anointed and Appointed by God: Pastors are overseers appointed by the Holy Spirit to feed and care for the church, which was purchased by Christ's blood (Acts 20:28).

4. Sent by God: Pastors are sent by God to preach the gospel and bring glad tidings of peace. They are essential for people to hear and believe in Jesus (Romans 10:13-15).

5. Given to the Church by God: Pastors are gifts from God to the church. Alongside apostles, prophets, evangelists, and teachers, they equip and edify the body of Christ until unity and maturity are achieved (Ephesians 4:11-13).

6. Men of Prayer: Pastors should be devoted to prayer, not only for themselves but also for their families and the church. They must watch and pray to avoid temptation (Matthew 26:41).

7. Students of the Word: Pastors should diligently study the Word of God to rightly divide and present it. They must ensure their preaching and teaching align with sound doctrine (2 Timothy 2:15).

8. Christ-like Examples: Pastors should model their lives after Jesus Christ, becoming examples of His love, humility, and servant-heartedness before their congregation (1 Peter 5:1-3).

9. Good Leaders: Pastors should rule and lead well, both in the church and in their own households. Those who excel in leadership should be honored (1 Timothy 5:17).

10. Love for God and His People: Pastors should genuinely love God and His people. They should demonstrate pure, fervent love for one another (1 Peter 1:22).

11. Care for People: Pastors should genuinely care for people, showing patience, kindness, gentleness, humility, and unselfishness. They should strive for peace and find joy in the Lord (Galatians 5:22-23).

12. Servants of All: Pastors should be willing to serve God in various capacities, ministering to different groups such as youth, seniors, prisoners, and the sick. They should prioritize doing what is right and living holy lives (Romans 12:11).

13. Born Again Believers: Pastors must be born again, having a personal relationship with Jesus Christ. Without being born again, one cannot enter the Kingdom of God (John 3:3).


In conclusion, a pastor according to God's heart is someone who is called, chosen, anointed, appointed, and sent by God. They are gifts to the church, leading with prayer, studying the Word, and exemplifying Christ-like qualities. They care for and serve God's people, while also being good leaders and born-again believers. Let us pray for, support, honor, and obey our pastors, allowing them to fulfill their calling with joy and without unnecessary burdens.

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