
The Heart of Heaven (Come Close)

Youth Sermon
Created by Youth Sermons on Sep 29, 2023
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God loves us and wants to be close to us. Despite our sins and shortcomings, He invites us to come to Him for healing and restoration.

The Heart of Heaven (Come Close)

Youth Group Plan: The Heart of Heaven (Come Close) (Matthew 27:50-51, Luke 15:11-24, Luke 19:1-10)

Youth Sermon: The Heart of Heaven (Come Close)

Seeing Jesus from a Distance

Ever played that game where you think you see your friend from across the mall, so you start waving like a maniac, only to realize it's a total stranger? Yeah, we've all been there. It's funny how things can look different from a distance, right?

Well, sometimes, we treat Jesus the same way. We keep Him at a distance, and because of that, we don't really see Him for who He is.

It's funny how things can look different from a distance, right?

The Story of Zacchaeus

Let me tell you a story about a guy named Zacchaeus. He was a short dude who wanted to see Jesus, but couldn't because of the crowd. So, he climbed a tree. He probably thought he'd just get a good view from up there, but Jesus did something unexpected. He stopped, looked up, and said, 'Hey Zacchaeus, I'm coming to your house today!'

Imagine that! Jesus wanted to hang out with him. And that encounter changed Zacchaeus' life. He went from being a greedy tax collector to a generous guy who wanted to make things right.

Jesus Wants to be Close

That's the thing about Jesus. He doesn't want to be a distant figure in our lives. He wants to be close. He wants to hang out with us, to be part of our everyday lives.

Remember when Jesus was on the cross? Even in His pain, He promised the criminal next to Him that they'd be together in paradise. And when He died, the curtain in the temple ripped in two, showing that we can now come close to God because of what Jesus did for us.

Our Perception of Jesus

Sometimes, we feel like we're not good enough for Jesus. We think our mistakes and mess-ups make us unworthy of His love. But just like the criminal on the cross, all we need to do is reach out to Him.

Or maybe we see Jesus as this stern, judgmental figure. But He's not. He's like the father in the story of the prodigal son, waiting with open arms to welcome us back when we mess up.

Inviting Jesus In

So, let's not keep Jesus at a distance. He's knocking on the door of our lives, wanting to come in and hang out with us.

Now, for our object lesson. I want you to think of a time when you saw something from a distance and it turned out to be something completely different up close. Maybe it was a friend who turned out to be a stranger, or a delicious-looking meal that turned out to be not so tasty.

That's what happens when we keep Jesus at a distance. We don't see Him for who He truly is. But when we invite Him in, when we get to know Him up close, we see His love, His grace, His forgiveness.

So, this week, let's make a decision to get closer to Jesus. Let's invite Him into our lives, into our everyday moments.


Let's pray.

Jesus, thank you for wanting to be close to us. Help us to see you for who you truly are, not just a distant figure, but a loving Savior who wants to be part of our lives. Help us to invite you in, to get to know you better. We love you, Jesus. Amen.

Small Group Breakout Questions

1. How do you feel about the idea that God wants to be close to you?

2. What are some things that might be keeping you at a distance from God?

3. How can you make efforts to get closer to Jesus, like Zacchaeus did?

4. How does the story of the prodigal son show God's desire for closeness?

5. What steps can you take this week to respond to Jesus' invitation to be close?

Get the Full Youth Group Plan

Icebreaker: Spot the Friend

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