
Summary: Jesus gives His authority to His disciples, so that as they journey through this life, by His Spirit, they are witnesses of Him. So let us go back to the first Pentecost after Jesus ascended into heaven.

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During Jesus earthly ministry He taught and demonstrated in love, truth and power the Kingdom of God on earth in this world damaged by evil. The Kingdom of God is His right to rule and reign.

Where His will is done on earth as it is in heaven.

God’s will and saving purpose planned before the beginning of time is to gather together in one all things in Jesus under His rule and reign. As a result, God in Jesus brings light and life into the darkness and death of this world. He restores peace and harmony, equality and respect to the entire universe, bringing the Kingdom of heaven here on earth into this world damaged by evil.

The complete fulfilment of His kingdom is a new heaven and new where evil is totally eradicated.

We live in a time where evil is defeated, yet it is not eradicated. Heaven did come down on earth in Jesus. Jesus defeated evil and the bondage of humanity’s selfish desires on the cross, however evil and our flesh still exists.

This world of darkness and death, chaos and dissension, inequality and shame cries out for salvation. The earth and oceans continually strives for the restoration of harmony and equilibrium. All creation groans for humanity to come to their place of oneness and intimacy with the divine. Where all who will come to Him will come to Him. That place where God’s will is done and His Kingdom is ruling and reigning in the hearts and minds of every disciple.

It is because of God’s great love that He gives every disciple a part in His healing mission, to reconcile, restore and renew all things to Himself.

Jesus gives His authority to His disciples, so that as they journey through this life, by His Spirit, they are witnesses of Him.

As we continue to live in this world damaged by evil, we are God’s ambassadors to this lost and dying world. In our surrender to the Father’s will, we carry His will and presence into every situation.

It is His Spirit upon us, around us and in us and the work He is doing within us that testifies of Jesus.

As a disciple of Jesus we are fully immersed in His identity being one with His death and resurrection. Through the continued heart and mind condition of surrender, by His Spirit, we are transformed from the inside out.

His transforming power is a surging, rushing, relentless river of new life. Continually being poured out from the throne room of God in heaven to us.

Each day is a new day for every disciple of Jesus to be immersed in the flow of His Spirit, living in the reality of God’s kingdom here on earth. Being transformed by His Spirit into a powerful witness of who God is, what He has done and will do.

So today let us go back to the time when the first disciples of Jesus came together, just as Jesus had instructed them to do, all those centuries ago. When they waited to receive power from on high to be His witnesses throughout the world. This is the first Pentecost after Jesus ascended into heaven.

Acts 2:1-4 'When the Day of Pentecost had fully come, they were all with one accord in one place. And suddenly there came a sound from heaven, as of a rushing mighty wind, and it filled the whole house where they were sitting. Then there appeared to them divided tongues, as of fire, and one sat upon each of them. And they were all filled with the Holy Spirit and began to speak with other tongues, as the Spirit gave them utterance.'

The New Testament festival of Pentecost was about identity, power, authority, inheritance, freedom and celebration of every moment in Christ for all eternity.

The first disciples of Jesus have their identity in Him and are gathered together with one accord. They have the unity of His Spirit. Their one purpose is to receive power from the risen Lord, just as He told them they would. His power to be His witnesses wherever they go throughout all the earth.

So they waited expectant, not knowing what would happen.

Suddenly they heard a sound from heaven as of a rushing mighty wind. This sound was so vast it filled the whole house. Every part of the room was full of the same sound and volume. A sound that could only come from heaven. From God the Father and Lord Jesus Christ.

The heard.

Then they saw tongues as of fire, one sat on each of them. No one was excluded, all were included and all as individuals received. The fire of God’s presence was revealed as they all saw.

They saw.

As a result of the outpouring of God’s Spirit, His presence in such a distinctive way on each individual, they began to speak in languages not known to them. Languages known to those gathered outside.

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