The Healthy Christ-Follower
Contributed by Russ Barksdale on Dec 16, 2018 (message contributor)
Summary: The Healthy Christ-follower Cycle: Engage with the gospel. Connect to disciple-making community. Invest in God’s Kingdom. Gather together in worship
The Healthy Christ-follower
Acts 2:43-47
The Healthy Christ-follower Cycle:
Engage with the gospel. V.47
Connect to disciple-making community. Vv.44, 46
Invest in God’s Kingdom. V.45
Gather together in worship v.46
This past November, our family drove to Galveston and got on a 4 day Disney cruise.(PIC) We had a great time. We thought the food was really good (pic) , the Disney characters were easily available (pic) , there was a place you could drop your kids off and go work out in their great workout room at the front of the ship (pic) , or go sit in the adult only places in the ship (pic), and then the shows at night in the theatre (pic) were as good or better than the Broadway shows I’ve been to.
But not everyone has the same experience. Looked at a couple of reviews. One reviewer said she didn’t like the cruise cause it didn’t have any good entertainment for the kids! I’m thinking, were we on the same ship? She said there were no comedy shows, but we laughed all day with our family. She said the swimming pools were too small, but our kids didn’t seem to mind. She said there were no different bands playing, but I thought how many rock bands can play (need pic) ‘When you wish upon a star’ and (need pic) “Let it go”? We all loved the constant stream of Disney hits over the past 75 years. So why was our experience so amazing, and this lady’s experience was so bad?
I’ve learned in life that in most cases, expectations, attitudes, and responses to circumstances determine whether an experience or circumstance is good or bad.
Turn to Acts 2:43-47
How was 2018 for you? Were you like the lady who had an awful experience with Disney, or like our family that had a great time? Some circumstances we can control and soe we can’t, right? But our expectations, attitudes, and responses are what determine whether 2018 was good or not so good.
Our Lord Jesus said, “I came that you would have an amazing life; more and better life than you ever dreamed of.” John 10:10
He said it to people who were having a difficult time in life. Most of His listeners were poor, disenfranchised, and beset by various health problems. His promise of this more and better life was not dependent on circumstance; it was and is dependent upon following Him closer and closer.
Since this is the 1st Sunday of the new year, I thought it would be profitable for us to review some of the basics of the Christ-life so that we maximize our experience whatever comes our way in 2019.
I want you to think about spiritual growth and growing in Christ and following Him closer as a cycle that has for roadmarks:
This is essentially what the 1st church did and experienced so let’s read our foundational text this morning. Acts 2:43-47
So let’s dig into The Healthy Christ-follower Cycle:
Engage with the gospel.
You noticed in v.47 that “the Lord added to their number daily those who were being saved.” Study after study of believers for decades indicates that the most satisfied of believers are those who are engaging people in their lives with the gospel of Jesus. If I asked a show of hands of those who engage people with gospel regularly and have had the joy of leading someone to place their faith in Jesus sometime during 2018, my fear is that very, very few would raise your hand.
Don’t think for a moment that this is something only for the super spiritual Christian. Jesus said in the Upper Room on the night He was betrayed “My Father is glorified by this: that you produce much fruit and prove to be my disciples.” John 15:8 In His last words before He ascended to heaven, He said, “You will receive power when the Holy Spirit has come on you, and you will be my witnesses in Jerusalem, in all Judea and Samaria, and to the end of the earth.” Acts 1:8
In my experience, I’ve found it helpful to have a tool to use when I share. We’ve been talking about the 3 circles (3 circles logo) this past year. (play video played at FSE training)
You can download the app on your smart phone so you can use your phone or a napkin to explain the gospel. Every believer in this room should learn this tool and ask God to give you the wisdom, insight, and courage to engage at least one person a month with the gospel. I promise, I promise, I promise, if you do, 2019 will be an incredible year.
Connect to disciple-making community
Our First Step Experience (logo) is designed to get you well on your way to helping your grow in Christ and connecting to biblical community. It’s every Sunday at 10:00 just on the left side as you walk out of the worship center. You ever been to NYC or other cities where you get (pic) on the hop on/hop off buses? Get on where ever you like and still see the whole tour… FSE has 4 stops; four consecutive weeks and you can hop in anywhere along the way. If you’re not really connected at RC, let me encourage you to head there next week. Just show up; we’ll be ready for you.