
The Healing Touch of Jesus

Created by SermonCentral on Sep 12, 2023
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Why did Jesus choose to touch a leper, considered unclean and untouchable by society? This sermon explores the significance of this act and what we can learn from it.


Why did Jesus touch a leper? Lepers were considered "untouchable" and outcasts from society. But Jesus chose to touch this man. Why? And what can we learn from His actions?

Trivia Question

Let's start with a trivia question: What is the largest organ in your body? If you're an average adult, your skin covers about 21 square feet and weighs 9 pounds. It contains more than 11 miles of blood vessels. Your skin protects you from bacteria and viruses and helps regulate body temperature. It also allows you to feel the world around you through various receptors.

The Importance of Touch

The ability to touch and feel is crucial to our well-being. Studies have shown that infants who lack human contact in their early years suffer from developmental issues. Touch can also have a calming effect on individuals in distressing situations.

Leprosy and Social Isolation

In the Bible, leprosy is described as a terrible disease. It causes physical deformities, scaly spots on the skin, and a loss of sensation. Lepers were considered unclean and were isolated from society. They had to announce their presence by shouting "unclean" to warn others to stay away.

Jesus' Touch as an Expression of Love

Jesus, however, chose to touch a leper and heal him. This act was significant because it went against societal norms and religious laws. Jesus touched many people during His ministry, but He didn't have to physically touch them to heal them. His touch was an expression of love and compassion.

Extending God's Love to the Marginalized

Jesus came to heal the broken and outcast, and lepers were among the most marginalized in society. By touching the leper, Jesus showed that no one is beyond His love and care. He demonstrated that God's love extends even to those who are considered untouchable.

Imitating Jesus' Love

As followers of Jesus, we are called to imitate His love. We are called to be people of love who reach out and touch those who need it most. Just as Jesus touched the leper, we should be willing to touch the lives of those who are hurting and in need of healing.

Practical Application

This week, I encourage you to find someone who needs a touch of love and compassion. It could be a difficult coworker or a family member going through a tough time. Offer to pray for them and physically touch them as a sign of care and support. By doing so, you can communicate God's love and bring healing to their lives.


In conclusion, Jesus touched the leper because He wanted to show God's love and compassion to those who were considered outcasts. As His followers, we are called to imitate His love and reach out to those in need. Let us be people who are willing to touch the lives of others and bring healing through our actions.

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1. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, ___________ adipiscing elit. Integer imperdiet odio sem, sed porttitor neque elementum at. Vestibulum sodales quam dui, quis faucibus lorem gravida vel. Nam ac ______ mi. Sed vehicula interdum tortor eu sodales. Integer in nunc non libero bibendum sodales quis vitae enim. Sed congue et erat ut maximus. Proin sit amet erat a massa dignissim _________ quis at lorem.

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