
The Healed Man's Testimony

Created by SermonCentral on Oct 25, 2023
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Jesus is the healer


Good morning, brothers and sisters in Christ. We are gathered here today, not just as a congregation, but as a family, united in our love for the Lord and our desire to understand His Word more fully. We are about to embark on a journey through the pages of Scripture, a journey that will take us to the heart of a remarkable story of healing and faith. This story, found in the Gospel of John, chapter 9, verses 13 to 34, is not just a tale of physical restoration, but a testament to the transformative power of our Lord Jesus Christ. Today's sermon is titled "The Healed Man's Testimony: Jesus is Healer."

Before we begin, let us bow our heads in prayer. Heavenly Father, we thank You for this day, for the gift of life, and for the opportunity to gather together in Your name. As we turn our hearts and minds to Your Word, we ask that You would open our eyes to see, our ears to hear, and our hearts to understand the truths You have for us. Guide us, Lord, as we seek to know You more and to understand Your ways. In Jesus' name, we pray. Amen.

Now, if you have your Bibles with you, I invite you to turn with me to the Gospel of John, chapter 9, starting from verse 13. As we read through this passage, I encourage you to listen carefully, to allow the words to sink into your heart, and to ask the Holy Spirit to reveal to you the truths contained within these verses.

(Read John 9:13-34)

This passage tells the story of a man who was born blind, a man who lived in darkness until one day, he encountered Jesus. This man's life was forever changed, not just because his physical sight was restored, but because he came to see and understand who Jesus truly is. This man's testimony, his story of transformation, serves as a beacon of hope for all of us, a reminder that Jesus is not just a healer of physical ailments, but a restorer of spiritual sight.

Imagine, if you will, a world enveloped in darkness. This was the world of the blind man. He could not see the sun rise in the morning, could not see the faces of his loved ones, could not see the beauty of God's creation. His world was one of shadows and uncertainty. But then, Jesus stepped into his world, and everything changed. The darkness was replaced with light, the uncertainty with hope. This is the power of Jesus, the Healer.

But this story is not just about physical healing. It's about so much more. It's about spiritual sight, about recognizing Jesus for who He truly is. It's about the transformation that takes place when we encounter Jesus, when we allow Him to touch our lives and to open our eyes to His truth. This is the heart of the healed man's testimony.

So, as we journey through this passage today, let us remember that we are not just reading a story. We are witnessing a transformation, a testament to the healing power of Jesus. Let us open our hearts and minds to the truths contained within this testimony, and let us allow these truths to transform our own lives. For Jesus is not just a healer of physical ailments, He is a restorer of spiritual sight, a transformer of lives. This is the message of the healed man's testimony. This is the message of our Lord Jesus Christ.

The Healing Power of Jesus: A Story of Faith and Transformation

Today, we're going to talk about a story that's close to my heart. It's the story of a man who was healed by Jesus, as told in John 9:13-34. This story is a testament to the healing power of Jesus, and it's a story that can inspire us all.

The man in this story was born blind. He lived his life in darkness, unable to see the world around him. But then, Jesus came into his life. Jesus, the great healer, the one who can make the blind see, the lame walk, and the dead rise. He healed this man, gave him sight, and changed his life forever.

Now, let's look at this story a bit closer. The man was brought before the religious leaders, the Pharisees, after his healing. They questioned him, doubted him, and even accused him of lying. But the man stood firm. He testified to the healing power of Jesus. He said, "One thing I do know. I was blind but now I see!" (John 9:25).

This is the first point I want to make. The healed man's testimony was a bold declaration of faith. He didn't let the doubts and accusations of others shake his belief. He knew what Jesus had done for him, and he wasn't afraid to proclaim it. This is a lesson for us all. When we experience the healing power of Jesus in our lives, we should be bold in our testimony. We should stand firm in our faith, even when others doubt or accuse us.

Now, let's take a moment to look at the word "see" in the original Greek. The word used here is "blepo," which means to see, to perceive, to understand. It's not just about physical sight. It's about spiritual understanding. The man was not only healed physically, but he was also given spiritual insight. He understood who Jesus was and what He had done for him. This is the second point I want to make. Jesus doesn't just heal our physical ailments. He heals our spiritual blindness. He gives us understanding and insight.

As the great theologian Augustine once said, "Understanding is the reward of faith. Therefore, seek not to understand that you may believe, but believe that you may understand." This quote perfectly encapsulates the lesson from this story. The healed man believed in Jesus, and because of his faith, he was given understanding.

Now, let's move on to the third point. The religious leaders in this story were blinded by their own prejudice and unbelief. They couldn't see the miracle that had taken place right before their eyes. They were so caught up in their own rules and traditions that they missed the work of God. This is a warning for us all. We must not let our own prejudices or unbelief blind us to the work of God in our lives and in the world around us.

Finally, let's look at the last point. The healed man's testimony was a catalyst for change. His story challenged the religious leaders and made them question their beliefs. It stirred up controversy and debate. But most importantly, it pointed people to Jesus. This is the power of testimony. When we share our stories of healing and transformation, we can point others to Jesus. We can challenge their beliefs and stir up change.

So, let's remember the story of the healed man. Let's remember his bold testimony, his spiritual insight, the blindness of the religious leaders, and the power of his story to bring about change. And let's remember the healing power of Jesus, the one who can make the blind see, the lame walk, and the dead rise.

The Bold Testimony (John 9:18-27)

In the heart of the Gospel of John, we find a man who was blind from birth. This man, healed by Jesus, stands as a beacon of hope and a testament to the transformative power of Christ. His story, found in John 9:13-34, is a vivid illustration of the healing power of Jesus and the courage it takes to stand firm in our faith.

The man's bold testimony begins with his encounter with Jesus. He was blind, but now he sees. This is the work of Jesus, the healer. The man didn't ask for healing, he didn't even know who Jesus was. But Jesus saw him, had compassion on him, and healed him. This is the first point we must remember: Jesus sees us in our need, has compassion on us, and heals us.

The religious leaders, unable to accept the truth of the man's healing, interrogate him. They question his integrity, his sanity, and even his identity. But the man stands firm. He knows what he knows: "I was blind but now I see." This is the second point: When we encounter Jesus, when we experience his healing, it changes us. We know what we know, and no one can take that away from us.

The religious leaders, still not satisfied, bring in the man's parents. They hope to discredit the man's story, to prove that he was never blind. But the parents confirm the man's identity and his blindness. They can't explain his healing, but they can't deny it either. This is the third point: The healing power of Jesus is undeniable. It can't be explained away or rationalized. It is real, and it changes lives.

In the book of Acts, we find a similar story. In Acts 3, Peter and John heal a man who was lame from birth. Like the man in John 9, this man didn't ask for healing. He was simply in the right place at the right time. And like the man in John 9, his healing leads to a bold testimony. He leaps and praises God, and all the people see him and are amazed. This story reinforces our understanding of Jesus as the healer. It reminds us that Jesus works through his followers to bring healing and hope to a broken world.

Returning to the man in John 9, we see him grow bolder in his testimony. He challenges the religious leaders, asking them if they want to become Jesus' disciples too. They ridicule him, but he doesn't back down. He knows what he knows: Jesus is the healer. This is the fourth point: Our experience of Jesus' healing power gives us boldness. It gives us the courage to stand up to ridicule and opposition.

Finally, the man is thrown out of the synagogue. But Jesus finds him. Jesus reveals himself to the man, and the man worships him. This is the fifth and final point: Jesus is not just the healer, he is also the one who seeks us out, who reveals himself to us, and who invites us to worship him.

In conclusion, the story of the healed man's testimony in John 9:13-34 is a powerful reminder of the healing power of Jesus. It challenges us to stand firm in our faith, to be bold in our testimony, and to worship Jesus as our healer and our Lord.

The Spiritual Blindness Exposed (John 9:28-34)

In the heart of this passage, we find ourselves in the midst of a heated exchange between the man who was healed and the religious leaders of the day. This dialogue, rich with tension and revelation, uncovers the stark contrast between physical sight and spiritual insight. It's a narrative that brings to the forefront the undeniable truth that Jesus is the healer, the restorer of sight, both physically and spiritually.

The religious leaders, in their hardened hearts and clouded vision, fail to see the divine intervention at play. They question, they doubt, and they deny the miraculous healing that has taken place right before their eyes. Their spiritual blindness is laid bare, their inability to recognize the work of God, even when it stands in front of them, is a poignant reminder of the danger of a hardened heart.

In the midst of their skepticism, the healed man stands firm in his testimony. His words are simple yet profound, "I was blind, but now I see." This statement, so straightforward and unambiguous, is a testament to the transformative power of Jesus. It's a declaration of a personal encounter with the divine, a life-changing experience that no amount of questioning or doubt can diminish.

A.W. Tozer, a renowned Christian author, once said, "A scared world needs a fearless church." This quote rings true in the context of this passage. The healed man, in the face of opposition and ridicule, remains fearless in his testimony. He stands as a beacon of truth in a world clouded by fear and doubt. His courage and conviction serve as a reminder to us all of the power of a personal encounter with Jesus, the healer.

As we continue to unpack this passage, we find another significant aspect that warrants our attention. The religious leaders, in their relentless pursuit to discredit the healed man's testimony, reveal their own spiritual blindness. They are so consumed by their preconceived notions and legalistic views that they fail to see the work of God unfolding before them. Their spiritual sight is clouded, their hearts hardened, and their minds closed to the truth.

This is a stark reminder of the danger of spiritual blindness. It's a condition that can creep into our lives, subtly and gradually, blinding us to the truth and hindering our relationship with Jesus. It's a state of being that can cause us to miss out on the transformative power of Jesus, the healer.

In the face of such spiritual blindness, the healed man's testimony stands as a beacon of hope. His words, his courage, and his unwavering faith serve as a reminder of the transformative power of Jesus. His testimony is a testament to the fact that Jesus is the healer, the restorer of sight, both physically and spiritually. It's a truth that we, too, can experience in our own lives, if we open our hearts and minds to the healing touch of Jesus.


As we draw this sermon to a close, we are reminded of the incredible story of the healed man in John 9:13-34. This man, once blind, now sees, not only physically, but spiritually. His eyes were opened to the truth of who Jesus is - the ultimate healer. This is the same Jesus who is at work in our lives today, offering us healing, hope, and transformation.

This story is a call to each one of us. It's a call to recognize Jesus as our healer, to accept His healing touch in our lives, and to testify to His goodness. The healed man didn't hesitate to share his testimony, even when faced with opposition from the religious leaders. He stood firm in his faith, boldly declaring the truth of what Jesus had done for him.

In the coming week, let's strive to be more like this man. Let's be bold in our faith, unafraid to share our testimonies, and unwavering in our belief in Jesus as our healer. Let's allow Jesus to open our eyes, to heal our hearts, and to transform our lives.

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