
Summary: We have a living hope, a guaranteed inheritance and the understanding that we are studying for what some call “finals” --- their final exam when they will receive the goal of their faith namely their salvation.

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Text: I Peter 1:3 – 9

The story is told about three unlikely men who guarded a missionaries home . “Tears glistened in the eyes of the Salvation Army officer Shaw who was a medical missionary who had just arrived in India, as he saw three shackled lepers. The Army was taking over this particular leper colony. These three men had manacles and fetters binding their hands and feet, cutting their diseased flesh. Captain Shaw turned to the guard and said, “Please unfasten the chains.”

“It isn't safe,” the guard replied, “these men are dangerous criminals as well as lepers!”

“I’ll be responsible. They’re suffering enough,” Captain Shaw said, as he put out his hand and took the keys, then knelt and tenderly removed the shackles and treated their bleeding ankles and wrists.

About two weeks later Captain Shaw had his first misgivings about freeing these criminals; he had to make an overnight trip and dreaded leaving his wife and child alone. His wife insisted that she wasn’t afraid with God being there. The next morning when she went to the front door, she was startled to see the three criminals lying on her steps. One explained, “We know the doctor go. We stay here all night so no harm come to you.” That’s how these dangerous men responded to an act of love. Christ came to set fettered people free.” (James S. Hewett. Ed. Illustrations Unlimited. Nashville: Tyndale House Publishers, Inc., 1988, pp. 118 - 119). In today’s world, it may seem unlikely that criminals would show appreciation.

We know that Christ died for His enemies as well as His friends to set them all free from the bondage of sin. Those who believe in Jesus are heirs to the gift of eternal life. It is ironic that there are so many who are chained by sin that think of themselves as free.

We have a living hope, a guaranteed inheritance and the understanding that we are studying for what some call “finals” --- their final exam when they will receive the goal of their faith namely their salvation.


How do you define hope? 1) Heirs: Most of the time we think of hope as something that we anticipate, like the items in the reading of a will. It is said that “the Bible has more than 250 references to the inheritance, a clear sign that everyday conversations about legacy took place in ancient life as well.” (David L Bartlett and Barbara Brown Taylor, eds. Feasting On The Word. Year A, Volume 2. Louisville Kentucky: Westminster John Knox Press, 2010, p. 388). 2) Misplaced treasures: I have known people who are heirs that have disputed the terms of a will feeling like one was favored over another. Material things are nice, but they cannot save us.

What does living hope look like to you? 1) Creeds, Mottoes and mantras: Many people live by a motto, manta or creed that expresses something about what they believe and possibly how they operate. 2) Captive hearts: I once saw a guy who had what appeared to be a motto painted on the back of his jacket that said, “A victim of life”. 3) Tattoos: Sometimes those creeds or mottos even take the form of tattoos. A story is told about a guy who questioned an oriental tattoo artist somewhere in Asia if there were really many people who got something so pessimistic as “Born To Lose” tattooed on them. The tattoo artist answered in broken English, “Before tattoo on body, tattoo on mind.” 4) Proverbial wisdom: Proverbs 23: 7 reminds us that as a man thinks in his heart, he is. Could that be one of the main reasons that Leviticus 19:28 says that tattoos were forbidden? Tattoos were thought of as markings that pagans were superstitious and connected the way the grieved the dead. 5) Satan’s goal is defeat: Regardless of whether or not someone has a tattoo, motto, creed or mantra, Satan’s goal is to defeat you in your heart and defer your hope. Proverbs 13:12 says, “Hope deferred makes the heart sick” (ESV). Satan spiritually stalks Christians daily hoping to magnify doubt, increase despair and defeat belief.

Jesus came to set the prisoners free! Tattoos are used by gangs as a symbol of ownership. There are many who got a tattoo to exhibit their allegiance to a gang of ill repute who later abandon the gang life. Many of them are left with unwanted tattoos. In East Los Angelos, Father Greg Boyle is founder a director of Homeboy Industries which is a tattoo removal service of physicians who are trained to remove tattoos for former gang members free of charge. Even though tattoo removal is a painful process involving a laser there are over a thousand names on the waiting list for tattoo removal at any given time. Every person on the list “… represent[s] a life that longs to be free and is willing to endure the pain to seize freedom.” “Perhaps the imagery of tattoo removal can evoke a renewed sense of our blessed assurance. Like former gang members who have had the marks of a former life removed, so our sins are blotted out by the blood of Christ. They are remembered no longer. (copied and paraphrased from: Craig Brian Larson and Phyllis Ten Elshof. gen. eds. 1001 Illustrations That Connect . [— Jill Carattini, “A Slice of Infinity,” (June 23, 2006)]. Zondervan: Grand Rapids, 2008). This kind of feeling of having the “former life removed” is what I Peter 1:3 describes as a joyful time ---“a new birth” wherein we have become a new creation.

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