
Summary: The living Church is the one that is healthy and growing. The healthy Church is the one living for the Lord and fulfilling His purpose as a Church.

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The Growth and Health of a Living Church

Study Text: Revelation 3:1-6


- The situation with the Church at Sardis, is the true picture of what can happen to a Church when they forget where they have come from, where they are going, and what their purpose as a Church is.

- The church at Sardis had a reputation for being alive, but they were as good as dead. While some members were walking with the Lord, many others had ceased to function properly.

- A living Church is the one that is healthy and that is growing. People receive the word of God and live by it, they are united in love and manifesting the love of Christ to the dying world, they are committed to the service of the Kingdom without personal gains and are preparing for the return of the Lord.

- Growing a healthy Church requires a vision. Successful Churches are those that follow a God-given vision and mission, define the steps to get there and implement their strategic plan in order to fulfill God's purpose as His Church.

- Church growth is not about competing with other ministry or local Church, but more about developing the people God has planted in the local Church to be used by God with their unique gifts.

- People are called to Churches for a specific purpose. We are all on a journey and the Church helps us develop as Christians and supports our unique calling.

- We shall be discussing the topic under three subheadings:

1. The Principles for a Growing and Living Church

2. The Participation in a Growing and Living Church

3. The Pointers to a Growing and Living Church

1. The Principles for a Growing and Living Church

- The following principles and practices will greatly enhance the growth and the health of a living Church, although the list is not exhaustive:

1. Having a Prayerfully Developed Vision and Mission for the Church.

- Having a well-defined vision, mission and values statement sets the direction for the Church.

- The Church in addition, should prayerfully develop strategic plan to map out the steps to get there mission accomplished and the vision to be achieved.

- People are drawn to a compelling mission and vision and get fulfilled in a Church that is progressively making a difference.

2. Making Provisions for a Comfortable Environment

- People are naturally drawn to an environment that is conducive and comfortable. Not in terms of being extravagant, but providing an environment that is peaceful, clean and orderly is important.

- Paying attention to things like clean restrooms, clean glass surfaces, walls and floor can go a long way in creating a comfortable atmosphere for members and guests.

3. Demonstrating a Welcoming Attitude and Culture

- People must be made to feel that they are welcome and appreciated at each appearance in Church.

- Encouraging people to improve on their performance is a better approach than complaining about their performance.

- It is a good idea for all Church visitors to be recognized and specially welcome, but they must not to be overwhelmed with embarrassing attention.

4. Having Provisions for Welfare and Passionate Care for Church Members

- Church members must be cared for. Understanding their unique needs and ensuring their needs are met within the scope of the vision, and within the capacity of the Church is critical to Church growth.

- Sometimes, there are people who make unreasonable demands for things that are beyond the capability of the Church at a particular time. This can be a difficult situation to deal with.

- Some people are unreasonable and the Church must not struggle to keep them by all means if they are unwilling to continue in fellowship, but to just let them move on.

5. Providing Opportunities for Participation and Service

- This will encourage the members to feel belong and wanted in the local Church, and will also assist in the spiritual development and maturity of the members.

- Opportunities to serve offer members the chance to develop and use their gifts in the service of God and for the blessings of the people.

- A well defined strategic plan can help identify the kinds of service opportunities that support the vision of the church, and how the members can be involved.

6. Demonstrating Accountability and Proper Management of Church Resources

- There need to be good oversight and management of the money coming in into the Church. God provides financial resources to churches and there is responsibility that comes with managing those resources.

- Churches that are good stewards of ministry funds, and are diligent with their budgeting processes, are better prepared financially for the needs of expanding facilities, updating equipment, and other necessities to operate a church.

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