
Summary: How The Devil Is Distorting The Truth Meaning Of Christmas


· Have you heard of “The Grinch Who Stole Christmas?”

· He’s the Dr. Seuss character that hated Christmas so much that he didn’t want other people to celebrate it, or enjoy it.

o He stole their presents

o He wrecked their decorations

o He did everything possible to ruin everyone’s Christmas

· Well, today we have a different kind of ‘Grinch’. This only this one is not out to destroy Christmas. He’s out to destroy Easter!

I. By Saying It’s About Fiction, & Not Fact

A. People still deny the physical resurrection of Christ, Lk. 24:36-43

B. People still that Jesus is in the grave, Lk. 24:6 ‘He is not here, but is risen:’

C. People still live like He never came, II Pet. 3:1-4

II. By Saying It’s About Bunnies, & Not Blessings

A. The word ‘Easter’ is found only one-time in scripture, Acts 12:4

i. It comes from the Greek word ‘pascha’, which is often translated ‘Passover’


B. In the second century, the Saxons established a goddess, named ‘Eastre’

i. She was the goddess of fertility.

ii. Her sacred animal was the hare (rabbit)

iii. She was worshipped by engaging in uproarious festivals, possibly driven by sexual orgies.

iv. Christian missionaries, in an attempt to reach the lost, chose to incorporate bits and pieces of the Eastre practices into their Christian message.

1. The adopted the rabbit and the eggs…without the sex, hoping to win the lost to Christ.

2. Instead of having more of the church in the world, we ended up with more of the world in the church.

C. Easter is about…

i. Christ victory over death, hell and the grave

ii. God’s plan for the redemption of mankind

iii. The difference between the Christian faith and every other religion

D. Question: What does a rabbit and colored eggs have to do with Easter?

i. To some…everything!

ii. To Christ…Nothing!

III. By Saying It’s About Clothes, & Not Christ

A. 2nd Baptist, Danville Illinois Easter Pageant

B. Christian’s response: To symbolize the new clothes Christ wore after the resurrection!, Jn. 20:1-7

C. World’s response: For people to look at me!


· Has the Grinch stole your Easter

o By saying it’s fiction, and not fact?

o By telling you it’s about a bunny, and not a blessing?

o By emphasizing clothes, instead of Christ?

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