The Grinch That Stole Christmas
Contributed by Jack Woodard on Nov 28, 2017 (message contributor)
Summary: Just as in the Fairy Tale, there are Grinch's that will may rob each of us of the true joys and meaning of Christmas, if we fail to guard ourselves against them.
TEXT: JOHN 10:10
Nearly all of us have heard of the story of "The Grinch That Stole Christmas", and probably just as many of us have come to the end of a Christmas Season only to feel like somehow our Christmas had been stolen from us . All around us we see the attacks upon Christmas from the Atheists and a score of other God haters in America, but our real Adversary (Satan ,1Peter 5:8) is sly , subtle and has several other wiles by which he can steal Christmas from the most avid believer. Jesus properly described Satan when He called him a THIEF in John 10:10. We must watch and be on guard of he will steal Christmas from us. Let me suggest Four things we must guard during this season.
Many Christians can get so wrapped up in the materialism of the season that we fail to set an Example of one who places more value on Jesus than things, to our Children, Grandchildren and the Lost who see us just as materialistic as every unbeliever. Be a Good Witness!!
Many people are still paying on the Things we charged on our Credit Cards last Christmas. We feel like our kids have to have the latest high price gadget on the market. There is no more sure way to let the Devil Steal the real meaning of Christmas than to worry about how we are going to come up with all the money we need to buy all the stuff or to worry about how we are going to pay it off after we charged it. A good old fashioned rule of Paying Cash or Doing Without would be a good rule to go by this Christmas, it would make Christmas more meaningful if we worried more about giving Jesus to our loved one than giving Stuff that they would be better off without. It is so much cheaper to keep Jesus as the true meaning for Christmas!!
Every year we build Christmas up in our minds only to suffer a Great Let Down. What I mean by that is that we in-vision the Perfect family gathering, the perfect meal, everyone is going to get along and be on their best behavior, nothing is going to go wrong. Somehow we think Christmas is going to be a Millennium experience only to be disappointed and let down when everyone acts just like they always do. The unrealistic expectations are shattered and our Christmas is stolen from us. Demand and plan, to make everything as perfect as you can, but do not expect the improbable.
For many people Christmas is so stressful that there is no way that they can enjoy it. I don't know how many times I have heard Church Members tell me that they were glad that it was all over with. Get organized. Don't try to do it all and so much. When the Season loses its joy, stop and cut out some things. Also when you know that you are going to have to spend the day with that annoying relative plan for friction and be prepared to hold your temper as well as your tongue. The day will be way more enjoyable if someone doesn't go home with a piece of your mind. Many will feel the sadness and emptiness from a missing family member.
Death, Divorce, a family member in the Military will bring on these Emotions and make it difficult if not impossible to enjoy the season, but remember the Faith and Hope in the Lord we have because of the Coming of Christ.
It would be a shame if we let the Devil rob us of the Victory that the Birth of Jesus brought to us. Remember what Jesus told us in [John 10:10] "The THIEF cometh not but to Steal, and to Kill, and to Destroy; I am come that you might have life, and that they might have it more abundantly!!"
Satan will try his best to be the Grinch that stole your Christmas if you don't make plans NOW to Guard these four areas of your life. Remember JESUS IS THE REASON FOR THE SEASON, be a Good Christian Example. Do not over-due it on your Expenditures, keep realistic Expectations and keep your Emotions in check. If we commit to do these four things there will be a great chance that this may be your best Christmas yet.
Romans 8:28/1Peter 5:7