The Greatest Verse
Contributed by Jerry Smith on Nov 28, 2017 (message contributor)
Summary: John 3:16 Expository
I know that more the odds of every one of us in here have heard this verse is pretty good. In fact I’m pretty sure that most of us know definitely have this verse memorized. I read something recently that said a Sunday school teacher kept a copy of this verse in a walnut shell on his desk because he was taught long ago that John 3:16 is the Gospel in a nutshell. Makes sense to me. I suppose if there was ever a verse that could change the world this would be the one. Today I want to break it down a little and examine it a piece at a time so that we can see what it tells us of.
John 3:16 tells us of:
1. The Greatest Love – God so loved the world
I find it so amazing that God has enough time to love me when He has the whole rest of the world to love. He loves me. Little – well not so little – insignificant me. He loves you. He loves me. He loves us even though we are sinners. He even loves those who don’t believe He exists. He loves all of the atheists of the world. That is hard to believe, but He does. Name any kind of sinner there is in the world, and He loves that person. He doesn’t love their sins, but He loves the person. Every person in the world can be assured of His love.
John 3:16 tells us of:
2. The Greatest Gift – that He gave His One and Only Son
I don’t know why my life is so important the God allowed His son to go to the Cross for my sins. He loves all of us so much that His Son made the ultimate sacrifice for our sins. When I was a “Baby Christian” I suppose this was the easiest thing to accept and the hardest to understand. In fact I still don’t understand. I’m just thankful for it. I don’t have any children yet, but there are many people who have told me that the love you have for your children is so great and profound that it could never be put into words. I love many people in this world. I know what it is to love. But I also know what it is to lose someone you love. Knowing those two feelings, and knowing that God chose to allow His Son, His perfect blameless Son die for me still dumbfounds me every time I think about it. I found this illustration that makes it easier for me to understand :
A gem dealer was strolling the aisles at the Tucson Gem and Mineral Show when he noticed a blue-violet stone the size and shape of a potato. He looked it over, then, as calmly as possible, asked the vendor, "You want $15 for this?" The seller, realizing the rock wasn’t as pretty as others in the bin, lowered the price to $10. The stone has since been certified as a 1,905-carat natural star sapphire, about 800 carats larger than the largest stone of its kind. It was appraised at $2.28 million.
It took a lover of stones to recognize the sapphire’s worth. It took the Lover of Souls to recognize the true value of ordinary-looking people like us.
That’s why He gave us this gift. He knows our true value.
John 3:16 tells us of:
3. The Greatest Faith – that whoever believes in Him shall not perish
Faith in Jesus Christ. The believing in Jesus. Trusting in Him. That is the greatest of all faith. This faith isn’t something that we have just once – the day we were saved – and then goes away. Faith in Jesus is to be refreshed in our hearts, minds, and souls every day. We refresh our faith by sharing it with others. Share this verse with them. Tell them what He’s done for you. Witness to everyone you encounter. I’m not saying we have to go out in the world and act like a bunch of crazy people. I’ll act like a crazy person. But not all of have to. We are a family that wants to keep growing every day. I know I want more family members. So let’s share our Faith so we can feed our Faith.
John 3:16 tells us of:
4. The Greatest Life – but have everlasting life
Life with Jesus is greater than any other life there is. I’ve had what many call the “good times” of life. I’ve smoked, drank, and partied. I’ve had all of that “fun”. All of that so called “fun”. I’ve been there and done that. But I’ll tell you something about all that fun I had – It was empty. It was nothing. And had Jesus not rescued me from the cesspool I was in my soul and perhaps my body would be dead now. But now that I have Him in my life I could never imagine life without Him again. He gives us everlasting life. He gives us the opportunity for life with Him. All we have to do is believe, ask, and receive.