The Greatest Thing In The World
Contributed by Dewayne Bolton on Nov 28, 2017 (message contributor)
Summary: To help people understand and appreciate the love of God
JOHN 3:16
A. This verse of scripture is the greatest verse in the entire Bible.
a. It is so because it tells of the GREATEST PERSON and the GREATEST THING.
b. The greatest person is God and the greatest thing is love.
c. Notice how the verse links the two together.
1. For GOD so LOVED
2. The word so is very important as it puts emphasis on both God and love.
3. It carries the thought of to the extent and degree of God’s love.
4. It tells us there is no way we can measure the extent and degree of God’s love
5. The song writer said, “If we with ink the ocean fill and were the sky a scroll to write the love of God above would drain the ocean dry nor could the scroll contain the whole though stretched from sky to sky.”
6. I say God loved the world that is you and me to the extent and to the degree that He gave His only begotten Son that whosoever believes on Him should not perish but have everlasting life.
d. I want to center our thought for a few minutes on the greatest thing in the world which is love.
B. Loved is defined as:
a. A strong affection, attachment and devotion to a person or persons.
b. A strong unusual passion and affection
c. It implies intense fondness and deep devotion to someone.
d. Really there is no way to define love as it is something that must be experienced to know what it is.
1. I’m sure you’ve heard or had someone ask, how do you know you’re in love.
2. The only way to answer a question like that is “you will know when you’re in love.
3. With that let me move on to the main body of the message the Lord gave me to share with you.
1. Without God there would be no love for God
A. I John 4:16 tells us GOD IS LOVE
a. Mankind is the creation of love.
b. God wanted someone He could share His love with so He created man.
c. God loves ever person on this planet earth even if they don’t love Him.
d. He loves the vilest of sinner as much as He loves the Holiest saint.
e. God’s love is not conditioned on who a person is, what they have done or anything as He is the very embodiment (that is the tangible or visible form of love).
B. The more of God one has the more they are able to love one another.
1. Like the old song Old Time Religion that says give me that old time religion it makes me love everybody and its good enough for me.
a. In John 13:34 Jesus said, “A new commandment I give to your, that you love one another even as I have loved you.”
b. This can only be done as the love of God is shed abroad in our heart.
c. Mark 12:30-31 we read where Jesus said, “And you shall love the lord your God with all your heart, with all your soul, with all your mind, and with all your strength. This is the first commandment. And the second, like it, is this: ‘You shall love your neighbor as yourself,’ there is no other commandment greater than these.”
d. Now I repeat again this cannot be done alone we need the Holy Spirit dwelling in our heart to even begin to keep these commandments.
C. Let me pause here and share with you how Jesus tells us we can manifest the kind of love Jesus had in our lives. I John 4:9 John tells us how Jesus manifested His love to us toward us, that God sent His only begotten son that the world might live through Him.
1. So what are some ways God manifests His love to us?
a. Every promise God gives us is a manifestation of His love.
b. Every time God calls someone from sin or to do something for Him is a manifestation of His love.
1. Think of the time God called to Adam in the garden. (In the cool of the day)
2. Yes God knew where Adam and Eve were yet He called to them.
c. The seven letters to the seven churches of Asia is a great manifestation of God’s love.
1. It was love for His church that He created paid the price for and set in motion that caused Him to send these letters to these churches.
d. Every parable is a manifestation of God’s love, esp. the one on the prodigal.