
Summary: The greatest gift was given to us by a God who has never given up ON us! In this, we must see, know, and remember who He is every day of our lives.

2024 Christmas Series – Part 5

Sermon 5 – The Greatest Promise Ever Given

Luke 2:16-21


- James 1:17-18 says, “Whatever is good and perfect is a gift coming down to us from God our Father, who created all the lights in the heavens. He never changes or casts a shifting shadow. He chose to give birth to us by giving us his true word. And we, out of all creation, became his prized possession.”

- Tonight, we celebrate the most perfect gift ever given to us, Jesus Christ

-- It is because of His birth and death, that we also have the chance to be complete

- Would you stand with me as we read? Luke 2:16-21 / Pray

-- TR: I want us to see three things tonight on this wonderful and special evening

Main Point – We must See, Know, and Remember who Jesus is

- SEE: Jesus comes from God as a gift – a perfect gift that we didn’t deserve

-- Consider John 3:16 … for God so loved … He was given as a gift for you

-- The challenge is we must respond (as these men did), “Let’s go see Him!”

-- The shepherds left their animals immediately because they had to SEE (v16)

-- They did not spend their time pondering the meaning - but left to SEE Jesus

- The Bible tells that when they saw Him, they “told everyone” about Him (v20)

-- This means, that these men became the first NT evangelists to share the Christ

-- And those who heard these words “were astonished” at the news they shared!

-- Greek: thaumazó; to marvel, to wonder, to be amazed

- Look, if we will follow the simple example of these men 2 things can happen:

1. We will be obedient to the Great Commission to share Jesus, and,

2. God’s Word will never get stale in our hearts because we strive to see Him

- TR: But notice in all the excitement, Mary kept these things in her heart … (v19)

-- To her, this was not unbelievable – but rather, a time to reflect on God’s work

-- The Bible records that Mary treasured all these things in her heart; she pondered

-- She considers carefully what is unfolding; as if to take in each moment slowly

- KNOW: This child was given the greatest name ever: Jesus

-- APP: Imagine how our lives would be different if we spent more time pondering God’s things; OR if we devoted ourselves to the things of God every day

- FACT: There are glad tidings (good news) because this child was born!

-- The shepherds returned to their lives praising God b/c of what they knew! (v20)

-- For them, knowing Jesus (seeing Him) was the greatest gift of all!

- Fact is … we too still need this gift; a gift that none of us even looked for

-- It is a gift that none of us could ever exchange, replicate, or duplicate ourselves

-- It is the gift of salvation, because the Messiah was born to us; God’s promise

- REMEMBER: The angel gave His name in Luke 1:31 – His name IS Jesus

-- V21 “On the eighth day, when it was time to circumcise the child, he was named Jesus, the name the angel had given him before he was conceived.”

-- We must remember that God still keeps His promises to His creation

-- We must remember that we are given the greatest weapon to fight doubt: faith

-- We must remember that because God is not a liar, He remains the same forever

-- Hebrews 13:8, “Jesus Christ is the same yesterday and today and forever.”

- Tonight, we celebrate this incredible gift – and in it we remember:

1. Jesus was born and lived sinless into this world (Holy; without blemish)

2. He later died as a sacrifice for our sins (making Him our only hope)

3. We must accept Him as Lord to share in His fellowship (be made complete)

- Consider: Jesus was born so our sins could be forgiven … why? Because …

-- IMP: There is no other name on Heaven or Earth in which you must be saved

-- It is in this truth that we find hope, and we find wisdom to share it with others

-- The Christmas story is simply God’s revelation of what He always intended

-- He always intended for us to have fellowship (life) with Him in all things

- Do you see Him? Do you know Him? Do you remember who He is?

-- If not, you can right now and be forgiven of your sins by receiving Him (ABC)

-- In a few moments we will take communion together … a chance to rejoice

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