
Summary: For Jesus was sent into the world, died on the cross and prepared the way for mankind to be forgiven by God. And how did it all start? It started with a love story. Perhaps the greatest love story ever told.

Good Friday

Based on Matthew 21:14-15

After reading of the events that unfolded during the crucifixion of Jesus, there are a lot of emotions that tore through my soul. Even after hearing the story of the crucifixion many times in the past there is still sadness caused by the events that transpired on that fateful day. There were many others throughout the centuries who also laid down their lives for a cause they believed in but none stands out like the innocent suffering of Jesus Christ and His death on the cross.

For Jesus was sent into the world, died on the cross and prepared the way for mankind to be forgiven by God.

And how did it all start? It started with a love story. Perhaps the greatest love story ever told. “For God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son that whoever believes in Him should not perish but have everlasting life.

This is the message the Lord wants to lay into our hearts this Good Friday. He laid down His life for us, all He asks is that we remain faithful to Him. A life in exchange for a lifestyle change on our part.

The Lord does not give up on mankind even after we disappoint Him. He still wants to give us eternal life. Similar to a parent that believes that one day his or her child will change for the better. Despite many disappointments the parents love does not change and nor does the belief that there is hope for their child.

This is why Jesus:

• Was crucified like a common criminal and was treated like the worst of sinners - But the golden thread that ran throughout Christ’s torment and suffering was “Father, not My will but Your will be done”

• Knows what we go through, He knows what it is to be human, to suffer – He suffered both physically and emotionally. He went through the worst torment imaginable - the second golden thread that ran through His torment and suffering was “Father forgive them for they know not what they do.”

Now let us also follow this example of Jesus. Following the example of Christ means that we must be willing to walk in his footsteps despite the odds, despite the curve balls in our lives. We have to willingly accept that to follow Jesus often requires us to take the path to the cross. This does not mean that Jesus is asking us to die for Him. No, He is asking us to live for Him.

He is saying to us yes the path to the cross can be difficult but we must remember after the Good Friday comes the Easter Sunday and the only way to the Sunday is through the Friday, the only way to our ascension and resurrection is through the our burderns and cares.

Let us follow the practical examples Jesus gives us today

• He remained faithful until death. His relationship was more important to Him than His own life

• He fulfilled God’s will to the end

• Although He knew what awaited Him, He kept faith in God.

Let us not allow His suffering and death to be in vain.

Jesus prayed for His executioners and forgave them. In the end He bridged the gap between God and mankind forever.

Let us remember that bad things happen when good people do nothing. Jesus had to do something and coming from Him it would require the ultimate sacrifice.

God spared Abraham from sacrificing his son Isaac, but did not spare Himself from sacrificing His Son, Jesus.

Now the Lord tells us too that we have to embrace Good Friday, in a way he’s saying we have to embrace suffering too.

Let us remember that prior to Jesus’ crucifixion, Moses and Elijah appeared to Him on the Mount of Transfiguration. Almost as if to hand over the mantel to Him. For it was Moses who was the lawgiver of the old testament and who freed the Israelites from slavery and granted them freedom and the Promised Land. Now it would be Jesus who spoke the new commandment of love and who would free all of mankind from sin and grant us the promise of eternal life. How about Elijah? One of the greatest prophets if not the greatest, and him too appearing to Jesus so that it may be fulfilled “to Him all the prophets bear witness”.

As He suffered through his torment, He never defended Himself – let us too, speak without offending, listen without defending and sometimes just remain quiet.

The crowd that cheered Him on Palm Sunday and welcomed Him into their city and their hearts is the same crowd that jeered Him on Good Friday and sent Him to die on the cross.

Good Friday is the story of Love. The Greatest Love story ever told. The greatest love is God’s love, we can’t have out hearts broken by Him.

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