The Greatest Image Series
Contributed by Glenn Pease on Mar 15, 2021 (message contributor)
Summary: This third verse of Hebrews 1 does not merely say that Jesus was like God, or that he was a reflection of God’s nature, but it says He is the exact representation of His being. It is not approximate, but the exact representation of His being.
This third verse of Hebrews 1 does not merely say that Jesus was like God, or that he was
a reflection of God’s nature, but it says He is the exact representation of His being. It is not
approximate, but the exact representation of His being. In other word, Jesus is exactly like
God. He is the greatest image of God we can have because we have in Jesus exactly what we
have in God the Father. Like Father, like Son, for they are closer in identity than identical
twins. When you see Jesus you see the Father. God had forbidden that His people ever
worship any idol that was built to supposedly represent Him. There is nothing on earth or in
heaven that can represent God, and so it was folly to ever have anything to be an image of
Him. But when God came into history in the person of His Son He was here in person. It is
now legitimate to have an image of God to worship when that image is the person of Jesus
Christ. To worship His is to worship God, for they are one and the same. It sounds like
heresy, but the reality is that we, as Christians, worship an image of God, and that image is
When you have a seal that can make a mark on paper, that mark is an exact copy of the
original seal. It may be a seal that is used to put its mark on clay or wax, but it is always just
like the original. The reason all our coins look the same is because they are made from the
same mold that stamps them as identical to the original. There can be nothing different
from the original in the copy. The point is, God is represented perfectly in the copy of
Himself, which is Jesus. There is no difference between God the Father and God the Son.
Any characteristic you find in Jesus will be a characteristic of the Father, and vice versa.
As Pink says, “All that God is, in His nature and character, is expressed and manifested,
absolutely and perfectly, by the incarnate Son.” In Col. 1:15 we read it again, “He is the
image of the invisible God…” All that we cannot see of God because He is invisible, we can
see in Jesus who is His image. We know exactly what the original seal looks like because we
have the image and impress of it. We know exactly what God is like because we have an
exact copy in Jesus. He is the visible manifestation of the invisible. J. B. Phillips put it,
“Jesus is God in focus.”
This is Christology at its highest level, for in essence it is saying that Jesus is God. Paul
spelled it out even more clearly in Col. 2:9 where he says, “For in Christ all the fullness of
the Deity lives in bodily form…..” Jesus is the fullness of Deity means that He is fully God.
Those who do not accept the New Testament revelation that makes clear that Jesus is God
are not New Testament believers.
Pastor Worthen writes, “The Greek word used for exact representation is
(charakter) which is where we get our English word character, which could mean a
symbol used to describe a particular letter of the alphabet. And so by inference
they're interchangeable. If I say the letter A, you think of the character which has two
slanted lines coming together at the top with a vertical line in between connecting the
two slanted lines. If I were to show you this character you would immediately think of
A. (One and the same).”
His point is, just as when you see the character A you know that it is A, so when
you see Jesus you know it is God you are looking at. He is the character that
represents God, for He is the image of God. All people are made in the image of God,
and this means that even though fallen with a marred image they still have some of
the characteristics of God that no other creature has. But Jesus has them all in
perfection and fullness. He is the exact representation of God.
What this means is that all the virtues, graces and attributes of God are combined
in Jesus in complete harmony. He is all that man was meant to be in perfection, for
He has all of the image of God in fullness and completeness. Every attribute of God
that we can study equally applies to Jesus. No one can compare with him - not
Mohammed, not Krishna, not Buddha and not Confucius. Not even Moses can
compare with Jesus. As with all of the other statements in these first three verses of