
Summary: Man’s choices as to the origin of the universe are reduced to two. It either came by chance circumstances, or it came by the mind and power of a Creator.

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The story is told of the teacher who asked her class to write down what they thought

were the 7 great wonders of the world. They could be the ancient wonders or the modern

wonders. The choices were many and one little girl could not finish her list. The teacher

said just read what you have and maybe I can help you. The little girl said “I think the 7

wonders of the world are to touch, to taste, to see, to hear, to run, to laugh, and to love.”

This was a surprise to the teacher and the whole class for they were all thinking along the

lines of the Pyramids, the Great Wall of China, and the Golden Gate Bridge. But this

little girl was thinking, not of the wonders that man had made, but the wonders that God

had made in making us in His image. Man is the wonder of the world, and even of the

universe, for we know of no creature in heaven that has been given greater honor than

man. Jesus never became a Seraphim or Archangel, but He did become a man who did all

of those things the little girl listed as the wonders of the world. Our goal in this message

is to show that Jesus is the Creator of the universe.


Man has created some marvelous wonders, for he was made in the image of God and

creating is a part of his nature. The world is filled with works of art and architecture that

witness to the fact that man is a creator, and that he has been given the gift of creativity.

It is impossible to judge who has been the greatest creator of wonder and beauty in the

history of the world, but it is no problem determining the greatest creator in the

universe, for the Bible makes it clear that this honor and title goes to the Son of God, the

Lord Jesus Christ. Verse 2 of this great book of Hebrews says that it was through Jesus

that God made the universe. God spoke the Word and said, “Let it be,” and Jesus was

the Word that made it happen. He was the agent of creation, and everything that is

wondrous and marvelous about creation is due to His power and wisdom. It is clearly

stated that he created in many other passages.


Later on the author of Hebrews says in Heb1:8 &10 “But to the Son He says: "Your

throne, O God, is forever and ever;-You, LORD, in the beginning laid the foundation of

the earth, And the heavens are the work of Your hands.” This is God’s testimony to the

fact that His Son is the Creator. If you do not accept God’s testimony there is no higher

authority to appeal to, and so you take God’s Word for it, or you reject God as your final


In John’s Gospel it is stated as strongly as possible for it says in John 1:1-3 “In the

beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God. The same

was in the beginning with God. All things were made by him; and without him was not

any thing made that was made.” This is as comprehensive as a statement can get. If it

was made, Jesus made it. If we could turn all of the stars and planets over and find the

mark of the Maker it would say MADE BY JESUS. What was made without him?

Nothing! The origin of the universe is not found in any mysterious power, but in the

person of Jesus Christ.

John 1:10 “He was in the world, and the world was made by him, and the world knew

him not.” The world was created by those very hands that were nailed to the cross for

our redemption. The creature turned on the Creator, but even killing him could not rid

the world of him, for he had the power to take his life back again. He made all life, and so

he could make it again when man took it from him.

Col 1:16 “For by him were all things created, that are in heaven, and that are in earth,

visible and invisible, whether [they be] thrones, or dominions, or principalities, or

powers: all things were created by him, and for him:” It is not only all that we can see,

but all that exists that we can never see that is a part of his handiwork as Creator. We do

not see the atoms out of which all matter is made, but these invisible energy packets have

their origin in the mind of Christ. There are realms of beings other than man also in the

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