
The Greatest Commandment

Youth Sermon
Created by Youth Sermons on Sep 5, 2023
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The greatest commandment Jesus gave us is to love God with all our heart, soul, and mind, and to love our neighbor as ourselves. This commandment summarizes all the teachings of the law and the prophets and shows us how we should live as His disciples.

The Greatest Commandment

Youth Group Plan: The Greatest Commandment (Matthew 22:34-40, Deuteronomy 6:1-19)

Youth Sermon: The Greatest Commandment


Today we're going to talk about the most important thing Jesus ever told us to do: love God and love others. We're going to dive into this and figure out how to make it real in our lives. But first, let's pray and ask God to help us love others like He does and teach us how to love Him more.

You know, Jesus was once asked, "What's the most important rule?" His answer was super simple but really deep: Love God with everything you've got - your heart, soul, and mind - and love your neighbor like you love yourself. These two rules sum up everything God wants us to do. They show us what God's heart is like and how we should live as His followers.

Love God with everything you've got - your heart, soul, and mind - and love your neighbor like you love yourself.

Main Scripture

Our main scripture today is from Matthew 22:34-40. It's about a conversation between Jesus and a religious expert. The guy asked Jesus about the most important commandment, and Jesus told him to love God and love others. This wasn't a new rule; it had been part of Jewish prayers for a long time. But Jesus made it super important and showed how it covers all the other rules.

Now, imagine you're holding a giant heart-shaped balloon. This balloon represents your love for God and others. But what happens when you let go of the balloon? It flies away, right? That's what happens when we don't hold onto love. It can easily slip away. But when we hold onto it and share it with others, it fills up even more.

How to Act as a Christian

As Christians, we often wonder how we should act once we start following Jesus. We might focus on stopping bad habits or changing how we talk. But Jesus makes it easy for us: love God and love people. If we believe that Jesus is in charge, then we should listen to His rules. In fact, the Bible says that obeying is the same as loving. In John 15, Jesus tells us to stay close to Him, obey His rules, and love each other like He loves us.

In the Gospel of John, Jesus gives us a new rule: to love each other like He loves us. This means giving up our lives for others, just like Jesus gave up His life for us. It's about giving our time, energy, and stuff to help others. By doing this, we show them love and help them experience the awesome life that God wants for them.


So, let's think about the people in our lives who need more love. Let's be ready to love like Jesus, even when it's hard or inconvenient. Through our love, others can see Jesus at work in us.

Let's pray together, asking God to help us love more and use us to make a difference in the lives of those around us. Dear God, help us to love You more and to love others like You do. Give us the strength to love even when it's hard. Use us to show Your love to the world. Amen.

Small Group Breakout Questions

1. How can we love God with all our heart, soul, and mind?

2. What does it mean to love your neighbor as yourself?

3. Can you share a time when you found it difficult to love someone? How did you handle it?

4. How can we show love to others in our daily lives?

5. What are some practical ways we can love like Jesus?

Get the Full Youth Group Plan

Icebreaker: Love in Action

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