
The Greatest Comeback in History

Youth Sermon
Created by Youth Sermons on Sep 5, 2023
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Jesus' resurrection is the greatest comeback in history, and through faith in Him, we can experience our own holy comebacks from setbacks in our lives.

The Greatest Comeback in History

Youth Group Plan: The Greatest Comeback in History (John 19:28-38)

Youth Sermon: The Greatest Comeback in History


Today, we're going to talk about the greatest comeback in history. You know, when everything seems lost, but then, BOOM! Victory! We're talking about Jesus' resurrection on Easter. So, let's dive in!

(Hold up a deflated balloon) Check out this balloon. Right now, it's pretty sad and lifeless, right? But watch what happens when I blow it up. (Blow up the balloon) Now it's full of life and energy! This balloon is like us when we feel defeated and hopeless. But when we trust in Jesus and His resurrection, He fills us with hope and new life, just like the air in this balloon.

We're talking about Jesus' resurrection on Easter.

Jesus' Resurrection

[Read John 19:28-38]

So, Jesus was on the cross, and it seemed like everything was over. He said, "It is finished," and then He died. But guess what? That wasn't the end of the story. Jesus was actually saying that He had done everything He needed to do to save us from our sins. And then, the most amazing thing happened - He came back to life!

Do you know the story of the Buffalo Bills' incredible comeback in 1999? They were losing by 32 points, but they didn't give up. They fought back and won the game. That's what Jesus did for us. He didn't stay dead - He came back to life, and now we can have hope and victory in our lives because of Him.


Now, let's talk about how this applies to our lives. We all face setbacks and challenges, right? Maybe you're struggling with school, friendships, or family stuff. But here's the good news - Jesus' resurrection means that we can have hope and victory in our lives, no matter what we're going through.

So, what can we do to live in this hope and victory? First, we need to trust in Jesus and believe that He came back to life for us. Then, we can ask Him to help us with our struggles and setbacks. And finally, we can share this hope with others, so they can experience the greatest comeback too.


Let's pray together:

Jesus, thank You for Your amazing comeback - Your resurrection. Help us to trust in You and live in the hope and victory that You give us. Be with us in our struggles and setbacks, and help us to share Your hope with others. Amen.

Small Group Breakout Questions

1. What are some setbacks you have experienced in your life?

2. How does Jesus' resurrection give you hope in overcoming these setbacks?

3. In what ways can you rely on God to help you experience a holy comeback?

4. How can you share the hope of Jesus' resurrection with others who are facing setbacks in their lives?

5. What steps can you take this week to embrace the comeback Jesus offers through His resurrection?

Get the Full Youth Group Plan

Icebreaker: Empty Tomb Scavenger Hunt

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