
Summary: Jesus took responsibility

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1st Point “The great physician”

In our bible one of the wonderful attributes of Jesus is being the great physician, no sickness, no disease, no demon inflicted sore or clamor can stand victorious being confronted with the great physician, the one who has the cure.

Jesus bore it all, he is considered the go to man, who can heal and save all who would come. And many did. They came to the one who had the answers for their distressed episodes in life. He healed them all.

The doctors oath is one that is of most importance to today’s medical field, it is an oath to always have care and concern for the patient, to care carefully for ones life, partial of this oath says: I will remember that there is art to medicine as well as science, and that warmth, sympathy, and understanding may outweigh the surgeon's knife or the chemist's drug.

Jesus being the greatest physician showed warmth, sympathy, pity, care, love that was beyond the understanding of man. He loved those He came to heal and die for.

People from all over the region came to Jesus for healing, they came for answers, they came for mercy.

There are people that are sick all around us, but many of the sicknesses are not even noticeable, there are sicknesses that we are not able to see with the natural eye. Sicknesses that if we were able to see into the spiritual as Jesus did we would be amazed at what lies before our eyes.

We look at Peter walking out of the boat onto the water he was able to see in the supernatural and this distracted his focus yet we cannot deny that he was in the realm of the supernatural, let us look very quickly,

“But when he saw that the wind was boisterous, he was afraid; and beginning to sink he cried out, saying, “Lord, save me!””

??Matthew? ?14:30? ?NKJV??????????????????

Beloved who here can see wind, I am sure we can only see the effects but not the wind, I dare say he was in the supernatural. “Lord permit me”, was his cry.

The Bible records Jesus casting out demons and healing all who came to Him with diseases, there is a spiritual side to the healing’s and if we don’t dig deep in this relationship with Christ we will never see what Jesus is able to see.

People are sick, they look fine on the outside, they look normal nothing is going wrong, but in the inside they are dying, they are mad, distressed, lonely, upset, depressed, unsure, suicidal, they are in need of a great physician. Jesus Christ is there answer, He can heal their sickness He can do anything we ask Him to do.

Let us look for a moment at the whole chapter of Matthew 8 at what does all day. This is just a glimpse, He had healed a leper, then He had sent healing to the centurion's servant. He had healed Peter's wife's mother. No doubt he had preached and taught all day; and no doubt he had encountered those who were bitter in their opposition to him. Now it was evening. God gave to men the day for work, and the evening for rest. The evening is the time of quiet when work is laid aside. But it was not so for Jesus. At the time when he might have expected rest, he was surrounded by the insistent demands of human need--and selflessly and uncomplainingly and with a divine generosity he met them all. So long as there was a soul in need there was no rest for Jesus Christ. The one who said come to me all who are weary and heavy laden and I will give you rest was restless for souls. Jesus took responsibility, He made it a demand in His own heart to see the needs of people.

I dare ask are you still restless for souls? Is your burden still for the hunger of God’s own heart? Will you consider your state this evening? Where is the physicians heart in His saints?

2nd “He Himself took our infirmities”

In our scripture beloved the writer of this particular book quoted a verse from Isaiah which said: “He Himself took our infirmities And bore our sicknesses.” This verse bothered me, He took our infirmities and bore our sicknesses.

Responsibility: the state or fact of having a duty to deal with something or of having control over someone.

Jesus took responsibility for those who were in need. He took responsibility for us. I remember the prayers I would hear when we were at 1291 Allerton I still cherish and hold to those prayers today those prayers shook my soul to the core, stirred my heart for more, “God give me your heart, Lord give me your burden, God give me your agony for this city”. See beloved His compassion for those who were in desperate need was and still is His business, it was and still is His desire, it was and still is His responsibility and He took it upon Himself to take their/our sicknesses and heal all of their diseases. Including you and I.

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