
Summary: The sermons that I have listed are 30 to 40 minute sermons. I have only listed the points and a couple of comments under each point of each sermon to give the preacher a remembrance which the Holy Spirit can lead on and speak through the man of God.

The Great Deliverer! / Sunday Morning Manna

Luke 13:11 And, behold, there was a woman which had a spirit of infirmity eighteen years, and was bowed together, and could in no wise lift up herself. (Luke 13:10-17)

Here we see a woman in the synagogue, a child of God having to deal with an infirmity for eighteen years. This shows us just because you are in church it doesn't mean you are out of the reach of sickness or trouble. The synagogue doesn't heal people, the church doesn't heal people, but the church does point to the One that does the healing and His name is Jesus.

1. We have the Inflicted. V:11

First, we see the inflicted which was the woman (V:11). The woman here attended the synagogue to hear God's Word and most likely she never expected to be healed from her infirmity. Many Christians today are the same way, we go to church and hear the Word of God preached and never expect any super natural blessing from God. This is why many leave the church service the same way they came because of a lack of faith. At this point she didn't need religion she needed a relationship with Jesus. In John 8:36 we see if the Son sets you free, you will be free indeed and that is what she needed to be set free.

2. We have the Infliction. V:11b

Second, we see the infliction which the woman was bowed together (V:11b). The Bible says she was bowed together or as we say it today the curvature of the spine which did not allow her to stand up, or look up, or look ahead, all she could do is look behind her. Sin does the same thing it keeps us from looking forward in our spiritual walk as a child of God while having to keep looking back at our unrepentant sin. When Jesus healed the woman noticed she stood up, looked up, and looked forward and glorified God (V:13).

3. We have the Deliverer. V:12-13

Third, we see the Deliverer Jesus at work doing His Father's business teaching and healing lives (V:12-13). As children of God shouldn't we be about our Father's business out saving lost souls. Jesus loves us so much and we are so valuable to Him that He laid down His life for us. Here, all Jesus had to do was lay His hands on her and that was all she needed, a touch from the Savior. Jesus wants all of us to keep in touch with Him everyday of our lives no matter what issues we are facing. Jesus wants us all to be within His reach so whatever comes along in our lives He is there to fix it, heal it, or help you deal with it, and also to help you be content either way.

4. We have the Inflictor. V:16b

Forth, we see the inflictor, the Devil (V:16b). The Devil comes to kill, steal, and destroys lives and the more you get involved in working for the Kingdom of God the bigger target you become for him. Here, Jesus attributed the Devil causing the infirmity the woman was dealing with in her life. There are times that God will use the Devil as an instrument against His wayward children to open our eyes so we can see our way back to God. Then there are times we can't blame sickness on anybody, but ourselves because of the way we diet, and the way we take care of our bodies. There are some that have dug their own graves with their own teeth by over eating, or by eating foods that are bad for our bodies.

5. We have the Pretender. V:14a

Fifth, we see the pretender who was the religious leader at that synagogue (V:14a). Jesus called the religious leader a hypocrite because he was more concerned about tradition and man-made rules then for the souls of God's people. The word hypocrite is rooted in the Greek word "kypokrites" which means stage actor, or a two face person. The ruler was acting like he was doing God's work and acting like he cared for God's people, but deep inside he didn't care for either. There are a lot of folks today playing church in the same manner this religious leader was conducting himself. These folks know the church jargon, they have the church look, but as Jesus stated they honor me with their lips, but their heart is far from me (Matthew 15:8-9). May the Lord have mercy on us all as we do our best for God.

The Great Deliverer!

1. We have the Inflicted. V:11

2. We have the Infliction. V:11b

3. We have the Deliverer. V:12-13

4. We have the Inflictor. V:16b

5. We have the Pretender. V:14a

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