The Gospel Of Christmas
Contributed by Howard Mcglamery on Nov 28, 2017 (message contributor)
Summary: Seven reasons that the gospel is good news.
The Gospel of Christmas
Luke 2:1-14
What a privilege it was for the angel to announce the birth of the Savior. This unnamed angel was soon followed by a heavenly chorus of angels praising and glorifying God. That first Christmas morning the shepherds heard the “good news” of the birth of Christ.
Today we as Christians have a greater privilege of proclaiming the Gospel. You see these angels had never sinned, but we have and we can speak from personal experience of the saving power of Christ.
Seven Reasons The Gospel Is Good News
I. The Gospel Is Good News Because It Banishes Fear. – Vs. 10 – “fear not”
1. In vs. 9 we are told that the shepherds were “sore afraid”.
2. There had been no word from God for 400 years. – No word until this angel spoke to announce the birth of Christ.
3. The remedy to fear is the Gospel.
II. The Gospel Is Good News Because It Brings Great Joy. – Vs. 10
“Behold, I bring you good tidings of great joy”
Christ brings joy into the lives of all who come to Him and trust Him. - John 15 :11
III. The Gospel Is Good News Because It Is For All People. – Vs. 10
“I bring you good tidings of great joy, which shall be to all people.”
1. The prophet Haggai calls Christ – “the Desire of all Nations”
2. Why? – Because all need Christ.
IV. The Gospel Is Good News Because It Emphasizes The Individual. – Vs. 11
“Unto you”
Jesus preached one of his greatest sermons to one man. Nicodemus.
V. The Gospel Is Good News Because It Saves – Vs. 11
“A Savior, which is Christ the Lord”
1. He is the Savior from Sin. – Heb. 7:25
2. He is the Savior from self. – Rom. 8:2
3. He is the Savior from Satan – Acts 26:18
VI. The Gospel Is Good News Because It Glorifies God. – Vs. 14
“Glory to God in the highest.”
1. The Gospel proclaims God’s remedy for sin.
2. The gospel proclaims God’s promise of eternal life.
3. Nothing glorifies God so much as the Gospel of His Grace.
Every time we preach the gospel, God is glorified.
VII. The Gospel Is Good News Because It Gives Real And Lasting Peace. – Vs. 14
‘And on earth peace, good will toward men.”
1. Jesus is our peace – he alone can make peace.
2. Peace does not come by treaties or agreements. It will come with the Prince of Peace.
Have you received the “Good News” of Jesus Christ. He alone can give you true joy and true peace.