
The Goodness of God

PRO Sermon
Created by Sermon Research Assistant on Mar 20, 2024
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This sermon explores the constant, unchanging goodness of God, encouraging believers to experience and share this divine goodness in their daily lives.


Beloved friends, as we gather here today, let us turn our hearts and minds towards a familiar passage that has comforted countless souls and guided many a weary traveler. Psalm 23:6 - "Surely goodness and mercy shall follow me all the days of my life: and I will dwell in the house of the LORD forever."

This verse, this promise, is a beacon of light that shines brightly in the darkest of nights, a soothing balm for the deepest of wounds, and a steadfast anchor amidst the stormiest seas. It is a verse that speaks of God's goodness, a goodness that is not fleeting or circumstantial, but one that is constant, unchanging, and eternal.

God's Goodness Manifested

In the grand tapestry of the Bible, we see the golden thread of God's goodness woven throughout. It's in the very first verse of Genesis, where God created the heavens and the earth, a testament to His goodness. It's in the last verse of Revelation, where God promises to come quickly, a promise of His goodness. And it's in every verse in between, a constant reminder of His goodness.

The first manifestation of God's goodness is in His creation. When God created the world, He didn't just create it, He created it good. Every tree, every bird, every star in the sky, every blade of grass, every drop of water, every breath of air, every beat of our hearts, is a testament to God's goodness. It's in the beauty of a sunrise, the majesty of a mountain, the intricacy of a snowflake, the simplicity of a daisy.

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Next is in His providence. God is not just a creator, He is a sustainer. He doesn't just set the world in motion and then step back to watch it spin. He is actively involved in every aspect of His creation. He sends the rain to water the crops, He causes the sun to rise and set, He guides the stars in their courses, He feeds the birds of the air and clothes the lilies of the field. He knows the number of hairs on our heads, He sees every tear that falls, He hears every prayer that is whispered.

The third manifestation of God's goodness is in His redemption. When humanity fell into sin, God didn't abandon us. He didn't turn His back on us. He didn't leave us to our own devices. He set in motion a plan to redeem us, to restore us, to reconcile us to Himself. He sent His Son, Jesus Christ, to die on the cross for our sins, to pay the penalty that we could never pay, to offer us a gift that we could never earn. It's in the cross that we see the ultimate expression of God's goodness, a goodness that is willing to sacrifice everything, even His own Son, for the sake of His creation.

Lastly is in His promises. God is a promise-maker and a promise-keeper. He is faithful to His word, He is true to His character, He is reliable in His actions. He promises to never leave us nor forsake us, to be with us always. His promises are a rock on which we can stand, a shield that protects us, a refuge in which we can take shelter. His promises are a testament to His goodness, a goodness that is unchanging, unwavering, and unending.

Grasping God's Goodness

In the vast expanse of the universe, the psalmist David found himself marveling at the goodness of God ... View this full PRO sermon free with PRO

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