The Good, The Bad, And The Ugly
Contributed by Darryl Heath on Nov 28, 2017 (message contributor)
Summary: The deaths of 3 men who hung on the cross at Calvary
Text: Luke 23:33; 39-43
Message: “The Good, The Bad, and The Ugly”
I. Introduction
A. The Movie; The Good, the Bad, & the Ugly
1. A famous Civil War Western that came out in 1966
2. Starring the rising star Clint Eastwood
3. Came on with that famous music…..
B. The Story opened introducing the main characters
1. First, the Ugly...named Tuco, played by Eli Wallach
2. Next the Bad…named Sentenza,…..Lee Van Cleef
3. Finally, the Good...referred as Blondie….Clint Eastwood
4. It is a well known story and liked by most who watch.
C. The Text: We see the same three on Calvary’s Hill
1. We see 3 men being crucified on crosses.
2. 3 men are introduced to us.
3. 3 men being punished for crimes, but one not guilty!
4. 3 Men; The Good, The Bad, and the Ugly!
II. The Scene Opens
A. Setting the scene
1. The text opens: 3 men being led to be crucified! (vs. 32)
2. They reach a place called “The Skull”…..(vs. 33)
3. The 3 men are then “crucified”
a. The worse way to die
b. The death of a criminal
c. The most painful and cruelest way to die!
B. First: The Ugly
1. Definition: Random House Dictionary offers 5 definitions;
a. unattractive; unpleasant; morally revolting; danger; mean
2. Thief on the left was Ugly! (vs. 39)
a. His words were selfish and mean!
b. His attitude unattractive
c. his heart was morally revolting
d. he lived a very unpleasant life! Sinful and rebellious!
e. his soul was in danger of Hell!
3. Many people are like him….UGLY!!!...God don’t like Ugly!
a. Their lives are waisted and filled with sin.
b. They are cruel and mean, hateful and rebellious
c. They do not know who Jesus is...thus in Danger of HELL!
4. They can be saved, they can be helped….but for their pride
B. Second; The Bad
1. Definition: several definitions...but I want to use just 4
a. not good in any manner; disobedient; contrite; regretful
2. The Thief on the right represents…..the Bad!
a. he was not good...he lived a sinful life like the other.
b. he was disobedient to God’s laws!
c. yet he was contrite about what he had done!
d. he regretted his sins and sought forgiveness.
3. He recognized that his punishment was just!
4. He recognized that the middle man was innocent and special
a. He turned to the man in the middle for help.
b. he confessed his sin and sought forgiveness
c. he died a cruel death, but step into heaven with Jesus!
5. Some possess the mind and heart of the Bad!
a. they lost in sin, or still playing with it.
b. they are not good….”there is none righteous….”
c. but they come to there senses and saw their sin…
d. the confessed to God and He forgave or forgives them
C. Finally, The Good
1. Definition; several definitions...but here are 5
a. morally excellent; satisfying, righteous, reliable; safe
2. He is the central figure in all of history!
a. the most important decisions made have been related to him
b. He stands at the door of every heart and knocks.
c. He is the man in the middle…..Jesus Christ!
3. Jesus is Good, and only He is Good!
a. He is Good because He is morally excellent!...no sin in Him!
1) He was born without sin...but became sin for us!
2) He carried our sin to the cross!
3) The thief saw that He was not guilty
b. He is Good because He is Satisfying!
1) He has all we need!
2) He supplies all our needs according to His riches
3) He hears our prayers...He answers our prayers
4) His death satisfied the judgment of God!
5) He saw the need of the thief on the cross
c. He is Good because He is Righteous!
1) He is the Righteous Judge!
2) He is fair and just in His dealing with us…
3) His mercy and grace was extended to us on the Cross!
4) In the midst of His dying He took time to save a soul!
e. He is Good because He is Reliable…
1) Jesus can be trusted!!
2) Jesus keeps His word!!
3) His promises are true….He told the thief “Today….”
4) Friends & family fail….but Jesus never fails!
d. Finally, He is Good because He is Safe!
1) The safest place to be is in the arms of Jesus!
2) He saves to the utmost!
3) He saves completely!
4) He keeps what He saves!
5) He told the thief…”Today, thou shall be with me…..”
6) Jesus saves!!!
III. Conclusion
A. The Picture of Calvary!
1. 3 Men taken to be crucified!!!
2. 3 Men taken to hang on a cross!!
3. 3 Men died that day!