
Summary: In the beginning God created the heaven and the earth” (Genesis 1:1).

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The first book of the Bible is called “Genesis. The Jews called the book "B'reshith." (Original Hebrew title), It means "in the beginning." (See 1:1a). Taken from the book's famous first words: "In the beginning …," It records beginnings of all things, so it is a very apt title for this book. “The first verse says “In the beginning God created the heaven and the earth” (Genesis 1:1).

That has been called one of the most profound statements ever made in the hearing of men. Surely this statement is exactly where the Bible ought to begin. It gathers up in ten English words (seven in Hebrew) the answers to the four fundamental questions which every person faces when he really begins to think seriously about his life and the universe in which he lives. What are the questions? First, we ask ourselves, "What is all this?" Driven by an unquenchable curiosity, man has been attempting to answer that question ever since he first appeared on earth. He seeks to explore the universe and the world in which he lives. Second, we ask, scientifically "How did it all begin?" Then we ask a historical question “When did it all begin”? Finally, we come to the great philosophical question, "Who is behind it?" These four questions are answered here in this first verse, and thus it serves as a tremendous introduction to the great themes of the Bible. Religious people aren’t the only ones looking for the first “uncaused cause” of the universe. Everyone, theists and atheists alike, is looking for the same.

Therefore the first verse of Genesis begins with the greatest observable fact known to man: the existence of the universe, the heavens and the earth, (Genesis 1:1b); and it links to that the greatest fact made known by revelation: the existence of a God who creates. There is thus brought together in this simple verse at the beginning of the Bible the recognition of the two great sources of human knowledge: nature, which is discoverable by the five senses of our physical life; and revelation, which is discoverable only by a mind and heart illuminated and taught by the Spirit of God. These things "are spiritually discerned," says the Apostle Paul (1 Corinthians 2:14). Both of these sources of knowledge are from God, and each of them is a means of knowing something about God. In Genesis we learn that God was “in the beginning” (1:1) He existed before all things for He is the Creator of all things.

1. In the first verse, we see THE GOD WHO IS PRESENTED. The fact of God is not argued here, and the nature and being of God are not explained. He’s just presented. No philosophy about it, no argument, no apology for it. Simply declared, “In the beginning God….” Thus Genesis Refutes the Theory of Evolution and all other human assumption. The Bible writers never tried to explain God’s existence, and God doesn’t need any proof. God does not reside in the realm of proof. To try to prove God by looking through physical, material things would be like tearing apart a computer trying to find the “Maker.” You don’t prove God, and you don’t disprove God. You believe in God. Now, when I said there are no proofs for God, I didn’t mean there’s no evidence for God. Do you understand the difference between proof and evidence? If you see a watch, then you reason there must be a watchmaker, right? Do you think that just happened? As we look around, we see evidence everywhere that He is a God of might, miracle, and pre-eminence. God alone is a self-existent being and the first cause of everything else that exists.

And if a man doesn’t believe in God, it’s because he has chosen not to believe in God. It is a wicked thing to deny God, and a denial of God is often accompanied by a wicked lifestyle. Of course, this is not to accuse all atheists of being immoral people. From God's perspective, not one person attains His standard of moral behaviour. So, God sees all of us as fools. The emphasis is that those who claim "there is no God" believe and live in a way that is opposed to God's plan for our lives. The Bible tells us in several places that only the fool says that God does not exist. Some have understood these words to indicate that atheists are unintelligent. Yet many atheists throughout history have had a very high level of intelligence. However the word "fool" used in the Bible is one that typically refers to someone who lives in ways morally opposed to God's wisdom. As mankind refuses to acknowledge the supremacy of God, the Bible says that “professing to be wise, they became fools” (Romans 1:22). Those who deny God are said to be without excuse and will be condemned unless they believe in God. (John 3:16)

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