
Summary: The duty of pastors in God’s churches.


The perfect pastor preaches exactly 20 minutes, then sits down, He condemns sin but never hurts anyone’s feelings. He works from 8 AM to 10 PM in every type of work, from preaching to custodial service. He makes $60 a week, wears good clothes, buys good books regularly, has a nice family, drives a good car, and gives $30 a week to the church. He also stands ready to contribute to every good work that comes along. He is 26 years old and has been preaching for 30 years. He is tall and short, thin and heavy set, handsome. He has one brown eye and one blue eye; hair parted in the middle, left side, and right side, dark and straight, blonde and wavy. He has a burning desire to work with teenagers, and spends all his time visiting with older folks. He spends all his time with a straight face because his sense of humor keeps him seriously dedicated to his work. He makes 15 visits a day on church members, spends all his time evangelizing the unchurched, and can always be found at the office.


1A. The God-commissioned pastor represents an audience of One. v. 1

1B. He is scrutinized and evaluated by God. see 1 Cor. 4:1-4

2B. He is God’s ambassador. 2 Corinthians 5:20 NKJV (20) Now then, we are ambassadors for Christ, as though God were pleading through us: we implore you on Christ’s behalf, be reconciled to God.

3B. He has one hope: the appearing and kingdom of Christ.

2A. The God-commissioned pastor preaches the Word of God. vv. 2-4

1B. His main duty is to preach the Word!

1C. His is to lift up his voice like a herald.

2C. The message is the King’s, not his own. Not his opinions or ideas.

3C. It is to be done with confidence and the King’s authority.

2B. He eagerly gives his urgent attention to his preaching.

NOTE: “Ready” or “instant” is used of a soldier ready for battle or for surprise attack.

1C. When it convenient or inconvenient.

2C. When it’s popular or unpopular.

3C. When it’s a fruitful time or not.

4C. When people like it or when they don’t like it.

NOTE: The venue of his preaching can be public or private.

3B. He convinces of error with unsparing logic and reason. (Reprove)

1C. Like the ministry of Paul.

2C. In Acts 17:18ff, when he reasoned with the philosophers of Athens.

4B. He warns and corrects sharply and severely. (Rebuke)

1C. Like the ministry of John the Baptist.

2C. In Matt. 3:7ff, when he scathed the Pharisees as a “brood of vipers”.

5B. He encourages and comforts. (Exhort)

1C. Like the ministry of Barnabas.

2C. Acts 11:22-24 NKJV Then news of these things came to the ears of the church in Jerusalem, and they sent out Barnabas to go as far as Antioch. (23) When he came and had seen the grace of God, he was glad, and encouraged them all that with purpose of heart they should continue with the Lord. (24) For he was a good man, full of the Holy Spirit and of faith. And a great many people were added to the Lord.

NOTE: All his preaching is done with patient endurance and with teaching from God’s Word.

3A. The God-commissioned pastor gives his all to complete his mission. vv. 5-8

NOTE: The drink offering was the last offering given. It shows God’s joy at work well completed.

1B. He is a watchful protector of the flock.Acts 20:29 NKJV For I know this, that after my departure savage wolves will come in among you, not sparing the flock.

2B. He endures adverse circumstances.

3B. He can look back with no regrets.

4B. He can justly expect to be rewarded by the King.

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