
Summary: When a person chooses to give their life to Jesus and receive Him as their personal Lord and Savior, they are re-born and become alive to another realm that is supernatural.

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Jesus is the greatest gift ever given. Through the gift of the Savior, every person on this planet has the freedom of choice to receive God’s gift of salvation. Salvation makes a person “complete” in Christ (Colossians 2:10). All that the Father is, Jesus is. "All the fullness of the Godhead bodily" dwells in Jesus, and He dwells within the Christian (Colossians 2:9-10 NKJV). Jesus is the physical presentation of all that the Father is.

Jesus claimed to live a sinless life (John 8:28-29, 46-47), and to be God (Matthew 12:6, 22:37, Mark 2:1-2), as well as having shared the glory of God in Heaven (John 1:1-5, 17:5). When Jesus was accused of claiming to be God, He did not deny it (John 10:30). Jesus did not correct the disciple Thomas when he said to Jesus: “My Lord and my God” (John 20:28).

Jesus said that if a person believes in God, they should believe in Him. (John 14:1) He also claimed to be the ONLY way to God (Matthew 11:27; John 14:6) and that He was able to forgive sins (Luke 5:20-21, 7:48-49) as well as to give everlasting life (John 6:40, 47, 10:28-30, 11:25). He also claimed that He would die and come back to life (Luke 18:31-33; John 10:17,12;32-33,16:16) and that He would return again to judge the world (Matthew 24:27-30, 25:31-32; Mark 14:61-62).

Jesus willingly received worship (Matthew 2:11,14:33,21:15-16; Luke 24:52; John 9:38) and claimed the role and functions reserved only for the Creator God in the Old Testament, such as being the Shepherd (Luke 15), the Rock (Matthew 7:24-27), and the Sower (Matthew 13:24-30).

Jesus declared that He had the same level of authority as God (John 5:19), that He existed before Abraham and that He had the name of God (Exodus 3:13, 14; John 6:35, 8:24, 58-59, 10:11-14, 11:25). He also declared that He was the truth (John 14:6), the Lord of the Sabbath (Matthew 12:60), and those who have seen Him have seen God. (John 14:9) Jesus said to the apostle John "I am the Alpha and the Omega…who is, and who was, and who is to come, the Almighty" (Revelation 1:8 NIV).

A person can’t be converted if they don’t acknowledge the claims of Jesus, nor can they become a Christian if The Holy Spirit is not living inside them completely because; “if anyone does not have the Spirit of Christ, he does not belong to Christ. (Romans 8:9-11 NIV - see also John 14:20)

Jesus prayed for the disciples the greatest prayer ever prayed on earth.

“that all of them may be one, Father, just as you are in me and I am in you. May they also be in us so that the world may believe that you have sent me.” (John 17:21-22 NIV)

Not only did Jesus pray for those around Him, but He was also praying for every individual Christian in the future. God gave the greatest gift ever imagined, and He keeps on giving gifts to His children because every Christian has the gift of the Holy Spirit living in them. They possess - and have access to - all of His promises, gifts, and supernatural power because God is the giver of all gifts. They are to stir up these gifts:

"Wherefore I put thee in remembrance that thou stir up the gift of God, which is in thee by the putting on of my hands." (2 Timothy 1:6 KJV)

The word picture here is of one taking a poker and stirring some dying coals in a fireplace, causing them to burst into flames.

Becoming a Lightning Rod

When a person chooses to give their life to Jesus and receive Him as their personal Lord and Savior, they are re-born and become alive to another realm. They physically live in the natural world and yet are also alive in the spiritual or super-natural realm. This gives them the limitless ability to transcend natural talents and personal abilities.

Living a supernatural life is the most powerful yet practical way for a Christian to live. Christians can live in this natural world with supernatural power to affect change in every life they touch by learning to make use of what God has given them at the moment of salvation through the gift of the Holy Spirit.

Becoming a lightning rod of God’s transforming power requires the Christian to move from being passive and intimidated by the gift of the Holy Spirit to becoming intimate and passionate with Him. They must learn to know that the Holy Spirit is God, yet He is also a friend - not a force.

Instruments of Grace

The word “Grace” comes from the Greek word 'charis.' The supernatural gifts are Charismatic grace-gifts. The word has various meanings in the Bible. One such use of the word is in reference to goodwill and loving-kindness shown to people.

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