
The Gift of the Spirit

PRO Sermon
Created by Sermon Research Assistant on Nov 27, 2023
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This sermon explores the importance of embracing the Holy Spirit, responding to God's call, and utilizing spiritual gifts for personal growth and service to others.


Good morning, dear church family. It warms my heart to see each one of you here today, gathered in unity and anticipation. We are all here to witness the unfolding of God's Word, to listen, to understand, and to apply it in our daily lives.

We are about to embark on a spiritual discourse that will, I believe, stir our hearts, invigorate our spirits, and deepen our relationship with the Lord. Today, we will be focusing on three vital points: Harnessing the Holy Spirit, Heeding the Heavenly Call, and Harvesting the Heartfelt Gifts.

The great Christian theologian, Martyn Lloyd-Jones once said, "The most urgent need in the Christian Church today is true preaching; and as it is the greatest and the most urgent need in the Church, it is the greatest need of the world also." So, let us heed this call and turn our attention to the true preaching of God's Word.

Harnessing the Holy Spirit

The Holy Spirit is a gift from God, a divine presence that resides within us, guiding us, empowering us, and transforming us. It is like a mighty river that flows through us, bringing life, energy, and spiritual vitality. But like any river, it needs to be harnessed. It needs to be channeled in the right direction, used in the right way, and allowed to flow freely without obstruction.

In the book of Acts, we see the disciples gathered together in one place. Suddenly, a sound like a violent wind fills the house, and tongues of fire rest on each of them. They are filled with the Holy Spirit and begin to speak in other tongues. This is a powerful demonstration of the Holy Spirit's presence and power. It shows us that the Holy Spirit is not a passive force, but an active, dynamic presence that can fill us, empower us, and enable us to do things we could not do on our own.

But how do we harness this power? How do we channel this divine energy in a way that honors God and advances His kingdom? The first step is to recognize the Holy Spirit's presence in our lives. We need to acknowledge that the Holy Spirit is not just a concept or an abstract idea, but a real, personal presence that lives within us. We need to invite the Holy Spirit into our lives, to welcome Him, to make room for Him, and to allow Him to work in us and through us.

The second step is to yield to the Holy Spirit. This means surrendering our will to His, allowing Him to guide us, to lead us, to direct our steps. It means letting go of our own plans, our own agendas, our own desires, and submitting to His. It means trusting Him, relying on Him, and depending on Him. It means letting Him take control, letting Him set the pace, letting Him determine the direction.

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The third step is to cooperate with the Holy Spirit. This means working with Him, partnering with Him, collaborating with Him. It means listening to His voice, following His lead, and doing what He prompts us to do. It means being open to His guidance, receptive to His instruction, and responsive to His correction. It means being willing to change, to grow, to learn, to adapt.

The fourth step is to cultivate a relationship with the Holy Spirit. This means spending time with Him, communicating with Him, getting to know Him. It means reading the Word, praying, worshiping, and fellowshipping with other believers. It means seeking His presence, desiring His fellowship, and longing for His touch. It means falling in love with Him, growing in love with Him, and staying in love with Him.

In the book of Numbers, we see Moses sharing the Spirit with seventy elders of Israel. The Spirit rests on them, and they prophesy. This shows us that the Holy Spirit is not just for a select few, but for all who are willing to receive Him, to yield to Him, to cooperate with Him, and to cultivate a relationship with Him. It shows us that the Holy Spirit is not just for the spiritual elite, but for ordinary people like you and me.

In the book of John, we see Jesus breathing on His disciples and saying, "Receive the Holy Spirit." This shows us that the Holy Spirit is a gift from Jesus, a gift that He gives freely, generously, and unconditionally. It shows us that the Holy Spirit is not something we earn, deserve, or achieve, but something we receive, accept, and embrace.

Heeding the Heavenly Call

As we move forward, let's turn our attention to the book of Acts, chapter 2, verses 1-21 ... View this full PRO sermon free with PRO

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