The Gate Keeper's
Contributed by Michael E. Bartee Sr. on Nov 28, 2017 (message contributor)
Summary: This message uses an analogy from the duties and services of the Levites to issue a call to watchfulness and consecrated living.
Text: 1 Chronicles 9:17-27
1. A mentally deranged man opens fire in a parking lot in Arizona, killing six
people and wounding fourteen others. The killing ends only because some-
one knocked the gun out of his hand as he stops to reload.
A man on a subway in New York City jumps onto the tracks in front of a fast-
moving train, risking his life to save the life of another.
A plane is high-jacked by Muslim terrorists and is headed to Washington,
D.C. on a suicide mission. A handful of men sacrifice their lives to prevent
many causalities.
2. All these stories have one thing in common; ordinary people doing heroic.
deeds because they felt deeply responsible for their fellow man.
3. I'm convinced that few Christians realize their extreme importance in the
kingdom of God. Why would not God immediately translate the Christian
to heaven the moment after salvation, if it were not for the fact that they
have an important part in God's plan to save mankind from destruction?
Our part in God's plan of redemption should not be under estimated. Our
role may seem of little significance to us. But it is of great significance in
the eyes of God. If we are diligent and faithful in doing our part, souls will be
eternally saved. In fact, we will be heroes!
4. The Duties and Service of the Levites provide an excellent example of the
Christian's extremely important role in God's glorious work of building His
1. One of the Levite's duties was to guard the King. The eastern gate in the
wall of Jerusalem was known as, 'The King's Gate'. It was the only gate
that he would use to enter the city. The Levites guarded these gates both
day and night, seven days a week. The King also had his own private
entrance way to the temple. The Levites kept guard here as well.
Today, the eastern gate is sealed shut. It will not open again until the
Jew's Messiah comes to reign over the nation as their King.
(Illustration): Several years ago, as I was traveling through Memphis, TN. I
passed by the former mansion of Elvis Presley. I noticed that at
the gates, there was a guard's house, once occupied to make sure that no
one could harm the 'King'.
Many kings have lived and died on this earth. But Jesus Christ, the King of
all kings, lives forever! Those who claim to be His servants, should feel duty
bound to protect His name, His honor, and His kingdom. We do this by....
(1) Staying Awake and Alert.
(2) Being fully Armed.
(3) Conducting our self with Integrity.
(4) Being Strong and Courageous.
(5) Being totally Consecrated.
1. The Levites guarded the entrance gates to make sure no unclean thing
could enter.
2. They guided the worshiper to assure that everything was done according
to the law.
3. They attended to the necessities of God's house.
(1) They baked or fried the peace offerings.
(2) They kept fresh bread on the Priest's table.(The table of show bread)
(3) They kept the lamps filled with oil.
(4) They made spices for incense and oils.
(5) They examined the goats and sheep offered for sacrifice.
(6) They guarded the Holy of Holy room.
(7) They guarded and kept inventory of the vessels of gold, silver, and
bronze. And the temple's treasury.
Keep in mind that the Levites were servants. They would not be numbered
with the, 'Rich and Famous'. Yet, it is obvious how important they were. Their
duties would not be considered prestigious by most. But God's program for
forgiveness of sins, and acceptable worship, could not have carried on with-
out them.
4. King David spoke of his love for God's house in Psalm 84:10:
"I had rather lie at the threshold (as the lame man at the temple gate; Acts
3:2, or; as the poor in the synagogue, James 2:3) in the house of my God,
than to dwell in the tents of the wicked. For that is an abiding house; how-
ever low my position in it. These are but shifting tents, though one have a
dwelling in them". ( Paraphrase is from Fausset's Commentary.)
1. The walls of Jerusalem had four gates by which the city could be entered.
The north, south, east, and west sides of the city, each had one gate.
The gates were carefully guarded by the Levites so that an enemy could not
2. This is a picture of the Christian's ministry of intercession, personal
witnessing, and mission endeavors.
(1) Ezekiel 3:16-17-"..I have made you a watchman.."
(2) Matthew 24:43-"Know this, that if the master of the house had known