
The Functioning Church

PRO Sermon
Created by Sermon Research Assistant on Sep 25, 2023
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The main point of this sermon is to recognize and embrace the unique gifts given by the Holy Spirit to each member of the Church, in order to function well as a divine organism and enjoy the benefits of a healthy, vibrant community.


Good morning, church family! I am so excited to share with you all today about the gifts that our amazing God has given to us, His Church. We'll be diving into 1 Corinthians 12:7, where Paul writes, "Now to each one the manifestation of the Spirit is given for the common good."

Now, I know that we all love a good quote, and I came across this one from Aaron Niequist. He said, “God has given a spiritual gift to the church in you, and you dare not keep it to yourself.” We are not just a building or a set of rules – we are a living, breathing organism, created and sustained by God Himself.

The Gifts of the Lord for the Church

Each and every one of us has been given a unique gift, or multiple gifts, by the Holy Spirit to be used for the benefit of the entire Church. These gifts are not meant for our own personal gain or glory, but rather to serve and edify the body of Christ.

One of the most beautiful parts of these gifts is that they are diverse, just as the members of the Church are diverse. In the passage we read, Paul lists a variety of spiritual gifts, such as wisdom, knowledge, faith, healing, miraculous powers, prophecy, discernment, speaking in tongues, and interpretation of tongues.

This is not an exhaustive list, but it serves to show us the wide range of gifts that the Holy Spirit bestows upon believers. These gifts are not given based on our own merit or worthiness, but rather as a testament to the grace and generosity of our God.

The diversity of these gifts also serves to remind us that no single person can fulfill all the roles and responsibilities within the Church. Just as the human body is made up of many different parts, each with its own unique function, so too is the body of Christ. We need each other, and we need the unique gifts that each person brings to the table. This interdependence fosters unity and cooperation within the Church, as we recognize that we are all working together for the same goal – the glory of God and the advancement of His kingdom.

When we are given a gift, it is our responsibility to use it wisely and effectively for the benefit of the Church. This means that we must be intentional about cultivating and developing our gifts, as well as seeking out opportunities to put them to use. We must also be willing to submit our gifts to the guidance and direction of the Holy Spirit, allowing Him to lead us in how and when to use them.

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In addition to the individual responsibility of stewardship, the Church as a whole must also be committed to recognizing, nurturing, and utilizing the gifts of its members. This means creating an environment where people feel encouraged and empowered to share their gifts, as well as providing opportunities for them to do so. It also means being open to the guidance of the Holy Spirit as He reveals the gifts within the Church and directs their use.

One challenge that we often face when it comes to the Gifts of the Lord for the Church is the temptation to compare ourselves to others. We may look at someone else's gift and feel envious or inadequate, wishing that we had been given that gift instead of our own. However, this kind of thinking is not only unhelpful but also contrary to the heart of God.

As Paul writes in 1 Corinthians 12:18, "But in fact, God has placed the parts in the body, every one of them, just as He wanted them to be." We must trust that God, in His infinite wisdom and love, has given us the exact gifts that we need to fulfill our unique role within the Church.

Another challenge is the tendency to undervalue or neglect certain gifts, especially those that may not be as visible or outwardly impressive as others. However, every gift is important and valuable in the eyes of God, and each one plays a crucial role in the functioning of the Church. We must be careful not to elevate certain gifts above others or to dismiss the importance of the "behind-the-scenes" work that is so vital to the health and well-being of the Church.

These gifts are not an end in themselves. They are not meant to be hoarded or used for our own personal gain, but rather to be shared and used for the common good. The ultimate purpose of these gifts is to bring glory to God and to build up the body of Christ, as we work together to fulfill the Great Commission and to demonstrate the love and power of God to a watching world.

The Role of the Church in Functioning Well

It is not enough to simply acknowledge the gifts that God has given to His people; we must also understand how to use these gifts effectively within the context of the Church ... View this full PRO sermon free with PRO

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