The Fullness Of God Pt 2 - The Comforter Has Come Series
Contributed by Dan Cale on Nov 28, 2017 (message contributor)
Summary: Jesus says that He will ask the father and send us another Helper. The word helper is the word Parakletos in the Greek. It’s one of those Greek words that is difficult to translate into a single English word. It can be translated Comforter, Helper, adv
The Fullness of God
Pt 2 – The Comforter has Come
John 14:16-27
We started last week talking about rethinking the Spirits role in our lives and our Church. We talked about rediscovering the work of this third person of the Trinity – the God who seems to be all but forgotten in the church of the 21st century. This morning I want you to look with me at Jesus words about this Holy Spirit that is to indwell His people.
Jesus says that He will ask the father and send us another Helper. The word helper is the word Parakletos in the Greek. It’s one of those Greek words that is difficult to translate into a single English word. It can be translated Comforter, Helper, advocate, pleader – it is used for one who pleads the case of another in court. One who is an advocate, instructor, defender. What does it mean to have a paraklete – a helper in the Holy Spirit?
1) I will not leave you as orphans – I will not leave you as ones alone without parents or a guide in life. Loneliness consumes our culture. So much of our existence feels like we are alone even in a crowd. We face the difficulties, pains, and struggles of this world and feel like no one understands us fully or fully gets the pain we are in. The comfort of
•Presence – We have learned to experience God in the cold sterile environment of religion. A God that can be encapsulated into an hour or two on Sunday morning is safe but never really touches the heart of our need. The Holy Spirit has come to offer us the comfort of the garden where Adam walked in the presence of God. When we invite Him to live in us in the fullness of what that means we find the presence of God in the very midst of our lives; to share the good times and the bad times. He is always with me. “we will come to him and make Our abode in Him”.
•Guidance – Imagine sitting at His feet as He shared direct wisdom and guidance with His disciples. The comfort of a Father strong and gentle who guides and protects his children. This is the office of the Holy Spirit in our lives. “He will teach you all things, and bring to your remembrance all that I said to you.” Lost at the fair – safe in my fathers arms.
•Love – “he who loves Me will be loved by My Father , and I will love him and will disclose Myself to him” This love is the agape love of scripture. A love that is unconditional and perfect. We love God with such an imperfect love but He loves us perfectly with no conditions or pre-conceived notions. His love is real and pure and wonderful and it does not run out.
2) Peace - “Peace I leave with You, My peace I give to you, not as the world gives do I give it to you. Do not let your heat be troubled, nor let it be fearful.” The Holy Spirit is the bringer of peace. Peace that is real and not imagined. The word peace is the word Eirene – it means wholeness, peace, rest, contentment, completeness. This is the office of the Holy Spirit in our lives. To bring to us a peace that is not found anywhere else in the world. Money can’t buy it, and relationships can’t give it, stuff can’t take it’s place – in our materialistic world we have tried over and over to buy peace – but peace cannot be purchased it is free. Some time ago I walked into the hospital at Geisinger. One of my dear friends was battling for life in the trauma unit there. I was a basket case when I walked in – I wondered what I could do – I couldn’t walk in there like that. I remember walking around the corner into the hallway of the ER and it was like a light switch turned on – suddenly I was overcome by a peace that was palpable. It was time to do what I was called to do – be strong, be a leader, be a comforter – but I could only do that as the comforter had me.
The ministry of the Holy Spirit is this comfort to us. Today there are people here who feel alone. People who are thinking about giving up on a marriage, a life, children. People who are at wits end wondering about bills, jobs, mortgages, marriages. The ministry of the Holy Spirit is to come and do from the inside what nothing can do from the outside.
Philippians 4:6-7 (NLT)