The Foundation Of A Good Attitude Series
Contributed by Paul Wallace on Nov 28, 2017 (message contributor)
Summary: Our attitudes say more about our relationship with Christ to the world than just about anything.
The Right Foundation for a Good attitude
Philippians 2:1-14
What word describes what will determine our happiness, acceptance, peace and success?
We live in an angry world, surrounded by angry people. We can give all kinds of excuses for being an angry person, but none of them really make an angry attitude the only option. I went out to visit our friend Bruce Thursday. If you remember he had surgery for a brain tumor 6 months ago, and they couldn’t get it all. They gave him 3 days to 3 weeks to live. .....He said, I’m not going to feel sorry for myself, and I don’t want anyone else to either. If you are going to come out to feel sorry for me don’t come. I’m going to be here until the Good Lord says its time, and then I’ll be gone. If I can help someone else going through this I’ll be glad to. I’ve shared in church, and I’ll probably share again before its all over. He is Living with uncertainty. He admitted he didn’t have this attitude in the beginning, and I know I was there. At first he was angry at God for not letting him die quickly. But he allowed God to change his attitude. That is the good news I want you to get today. No matter how bad your attitude was when you came in here, you and God can change it.
“The attitude is an inward feeling expressed by behavior” John Maxwell p6 Your Attitude
Our expressions usually reflect our inward feelings.
"Your attitude always decides your altitude in life" ~
Zig Ziglar
Life is 10% of what happens to you and 90% your reaction to it.
1 Is there any encouragement from belonging to Christ? Any comfort from his love? Any fellowship together in the Spirit? Are your hearts tender and sympathetic? 2 Then make me truly happy by agreeing wholeheartedly with each other, loving one another, and working together with one heart and purpose. 3 Don’t be selfish; don’t live to make a good impression on others. Be humble, thinking of others as better than yourself. 4 Don’t think only about your own affairs, but be interested in others, too, and what they are doing. 5 Your attitude should be the same that Christ Jesus had. 6 Though he was God, he did not demand and cling to his rights as God. 7 He made himself nothing; he took the humble position of a slave and appeared in human form. 8 And in human form he obediently humbled himself even further by dying a criminal’s death on a cross.
I The Foundational Wrong Attitudes to Avoid v3-4
A. Selfishness -Selfish ambition (Me, My, MINE)
Magic Johnson p634 Nelsons complete book of ills.
B. Pride -Vain conceit -Conceited
Like the angry man who jumped out of his car after a collision with another car. “Why don’t you people watch where you’re driving?” he shouted wildly, “You’re the fourth car I’ve hit today!”
C. Superiority - Thinking yourself better than others
D. Only Thinking About Yourself - Only your own interests
Swedish wrestler stripped of bronze medal 2008
BEIJING (AP)—A Swedish wrestler was disqualified and stripped of his bronze medal Saturday for dropping the prize in protest after a disputed loss at the Beijing Olympics.
Ara Abrahamian was punished by the International Olympic Committee for violating the spirit of fair play during the medal ceremony, becoming the fourth athlete kicked out of the games and bringing the number of medals removed to three.
Abrahamian became incensed when a disputed penalty call decided his semifinal match against Italian Andrea Minguzzi, who went on to win the gold medal in the Greco-Roman 84-kilogram division Thursday.
During the medal ceremony, the Armenian-born Abrahamian—who also lost a 2004 Olympic semifinal match on a disputed call—took the bronze from around his neck and, angrily, dropped it on the mat as he walked away. He did not take part in the rest of the medal ceremony.
II The Foundational Model - Christ Philippians 2:5-8 (Selfless, Secure 6,7, Submissive)
A. Gave up his Rights (Privileges)- v6
-In a world demanding their rights and their way
B. Became a servant (Mark 10:45)
C. Obedient to higher authority
D. Unselfish
Unselfish OSU Linebackers
COLUMBUS (AP) - Marcus Freeman doesn’t mind staying in the background while All-American James Laurinaitis gets all the attention.
Freeman and the third starting linebacker, Ross Homan, along with Spitler, might be stars at another Top 25 program. But at Ohio State, they’re just considered bit players to the megastar who wears No. 33.
Laurinaitis recognizes the problem he creates.
"Marcus is a terrific player," Laurinaitis said. "His physical abilities are unbelievable. He has great leadership, he obviously is explosive, he’s fast, he’s unbelievably strong.
"He just does his job silently."