The Force Of Determination
Contributed by Bishop(Dr) Sola Adetunji on Nov 28, 2017 (message contributor)
Summary: In this life, victory is not for the feeble-minded;testimonies is not for the Lilly-livered.This message outlined Seven reasons why people give up in life and sought to explain why they shouldn’t.
You are saved to shine, you are redeemed to reign. If you are not saved you are doomed to fail.
Today, I intend to provoke you to your inheritance.
“Ye are the light…..”
You must not be hidden, you cannot be hidden.
I Cor. 2:9
God has something’s in stock for you sufficient to daze everyone around you.
In this race of life, victory will not go to the feeble-minded. You make up your mind: and declare I will never give up till I succeed.
1. Frustration
2. Fear of failure
3. Facts
4. Forecasts/Prophecies
5. Enemies
6. Past Experiences
7. Friends.
1. FRUSTRATION Heb.3:17-19, I Sam. 30:6
You are never frustrated until you think you are becoming too old.
You can stay excited. If you accept that you are frustrated, you will suffer depression.
Jesus was excited at the tomb of Lazarus and the dead arose.
2. FEAR OF FAILURE Esther 4:15
Esther was determined, she did not surrender.
(In life, the major battle most people lose is the battle over the fear of failure)
Beginning is half done.Every beginner is a winner
Better is to do something imperfectly than to do nothing flawlessly.
Even if you fail, it means God has a better idea.
3. FACTS Rom. 4:17-21
The three Hebrew boys were faced with the fact of burning. But the truth is that He suffers no man to do them evil.
4. FORECASTS Jer. 29:11
Here is an everlasting trap to those who are foolish. You must never allow anyone under the guise of prophecy to render you stagnant. Reject every evil proclamation and stand on the Word of God
5. ENEMIES Psalm 23, 27, I Cor. 16:9, Phil. 1:28.
Some are so enemy conscious that they are paralyzed in shame and backwardness.
Look, the presence of your enemies is not the absence of God.
Psalm 46:1-7
Lily is a plant, white and beautiful. It grows in the Mud.
Light shines better when surrounded by darkness. Never give up because of your enemies, they are catalysts of progress. You wont know how fast you can run until you are being pursued.
A lot of promising lives are paralyzed by initial failure and bitter past. Don’t join them. Moses once ran away from Pharaoh, yet he came back to overpower him. God is by your side, ut away your past. Learn from it but don’t reside in it. The past is a point of reference, not a place of residence.
Jesus was advised by Peter; Don’t go to the cross, not knowing that, that is the path to the crown.
Paul was almost disturbed by people who loved him(Acts 21:12-14)
Friend may say no, “it’s not like that” even out of love. Relatives may join them.
But in all things be determined.
Extraordinary success is a fruit of extra-ordinary determination.